"use strict"; const common_vendor = require("../../../common/vendor.js"); const sheep_index = require("../../index.js"); const sheep_hooks_useGoods = require("../../hooks/useGoods.js"); if (!Array) { const _easycom_su_number_box2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("su-number-box"); const _easycom_su_popup2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("su-popup"); (_easycom_su_number_box2 + _easycom_su_popup2)(); } const _easycom_su_number_box = () => "../../ui/su-number-box/su-number-box.js"; const _easycom_su_popup = () => "../../ui/su-popup/su-popup.js"; if (!Math) { (_easycom_su_number_box + _easycom_su_popup)(); } const _sfc_main = { __name: "s-select-seckill-sku", props: { modelValue: { type: Object, default() { } }, show: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 单次限购数量 singleLimitCount: { type: Number, default: 1 } }, emits: ["change", "addCart", "buy", "close"], setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) { const emits = __emit; const props = __props; const state = common_vendor.reactive({ goodsInfo: common_vendor.computed(() => props.modelValue), selectedSku: {}, currentPropertyArray: [] }); const propertyList = sheep_hooks_useGoods.convertProductPropertyList(state.goodsInfo.skus); const skuList = common_vendor.computed(() => { const skuPrices = state.goodsInfo.skus; for (const price of skuPrices) { price.value_id_array = price.properties.map((item) => item.valueId); } return skuPrices; }); if (!state.goodsInfo.is_sku) { state.selectedSku = state.goodsInfo.skus[0]; } common_vendor.watch( () => state.selectedSku, (newVal) => { emits("change", newVal); }, { immediate: true, // 立即执行 deep: true // 深度监听 } ); const onBuy = () => { if (state.selectedSku.id) { if (state.selectedSku.stock <= 0) { sheep_index.sheep.$helper.toast("库存不足"); } else { emits("buy", state.selectedSku); } } else { sheep_index.sheep.$helper.toast("请选择规格"); } }; function onBuyCountChange(buyCount) { if (buyCount > 0 && state.selectedSku.count !== buyCount) { state.selectedSku.count = buyCount; } } const changeDisabled = (isChecked = false, propertyId = 0, valueId = 0) => { let newSkus = []; if (isChecked) { for (const price of skuList.value) { if (price.stock <= 0) { continue; } if (price.value_id_array.indexOf(valueId) >= 0) { newSkus.push(price); } } } else { newSkus = getCanUseSkuList(); } let noChooseValueIds = []; for (const price of newSkus) { noChooseValueIds = noChooseValueIds.concat(price.value_id_array); } noChooseValueIds = Array.from(new Set(noChooseValueIds)); if (isChecked) { const index = noChooseValueIds.indexOf(valueId); noChooseValueIds.splice(index, 1); } else { state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId) => { if (currentPropertyId.toString() !== "") { return; } const index = noChooseValueIds.indexOf(currentPropertyId); if (index >= 0) { noChooseValueIds.splice(index, 1); } }); } let choosePropertyIds = []; if (!isChecked) { state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId, currentValueId) => { if (currentPropertyId !== "") { choosePropertyIds.push(currentValueId); } }); } else { choosePropertyIds = [propertyId]; } for (const propertyIndex in propertyList) { if (choosePropertyIds.indexOf(propertyList[propertyIndex].id) >= 0) { continue; } for (const valueIndex in propertyList[propertyIndex].values) { propertyList[propertyIndex].values[valueIndex].disabled = noChooseValueIds.indexOf(propertyList[propertyIndex].values[valueIndex].id) < 0; } } }; const getCanUseSkuList = () => { const newSkus = []; for (const sku of skuList.value) { if (sku.stock <= 0) { continue; } let isOk = true; state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((propertyId) => { if (propertyId.toString() !== "" && sku.value_id_array.indexOf(propertyId) < 0) { isOk = false; } }); if (isOk) { newSkus.push(sku); } } return newSkus; }; const onSelectSku = (propertyId, valueId) => { let isChecked = true; if (state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] !== void 0 && state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] === valueId) { isChecked = false; state.currentPropertyArray.splice(propertyId, 1, ""); } else { state.currentPropertyArray[propertyId] = valueId; } const choosePropertyId = []; state.currentPropertyArray.forEach((currentPropertyId) => { if (currentPropertyId !== "") { choosePropertyId.push(currentPropertyId); } }); const newSkuList = getCanUseSkuList(); if (choosePropertyId.length === propertyList.length && newSkuList.length) { newSkuList[0].count = state.selectedSku.count || 1; state.selectedSku = newSkuList[0]; } else { state.selectedSku = {}; } changeDisabled(isChecked, propertyId, valueId); }; changeDisabled(false); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: common_vendor.unref(sheep_index.sheep).$url.cdn(state.selectedSku.picUrl || state.goodsInfo.picUrl), b: common_vendor.t(state.goodsInfo.name), c: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(sheep_hooks_useGoods.fen2yuan)(state.selectedSku.price || state.goodsInfo.price)), d: common_vendor.t(state.selectedSku.stock || state.goodsInfo.stock), e: common_vendor.f(common_vendor.unref(propertyList), (property, k0, i0) => { return { a: common_vendor.t(property.name), b: common_vendor.f(property.values, (value, k1, i1) => { return { a: common_vendor.t(value.name), b: common_vendor.n({ "checked-btn": state.currentPropertyArray[property.id] === value.id }), c: common_vendor.n({ "disabled-btn": value.disabled === true }), d: value.id, e: value.disabled === true, f: common_vendor.o(($event) => onSelectSku(property.id, value.id), value.id) }; }), c: property.id }; }), f: common_vendor.o(($event) => onBuyCountChange($event)), g: common_vendor.o(($event) => state.selectedSku.count = $event), h: common_vendor.p({ min: 1, max: common_vendor.unref(common_vendor.min)([__props.singleLimitCount, state.selectedSku.stock]), step: 1, activity: "seckill", modelValue: state.selectedSku.count }), i: common_vendor.o(onBuy), j: common_vendor.o(($event) => emits("close")), k: common_vendor.p({ show: __props.show, round: "10" }) }; }; } }; const Component = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-3d954c3d"]]); wx.createComponent(Component); //# sourceMappingURL=s-select-seckill-sku.js.map