2024-10-01 09:15:35 +08:00

1507 lines
90 KiB

"use strict";
const common_vendor = require("../../../../common/vendor.js");
var t = function() {
return t = Object.assign || function(t2) {
for (var e2, i2 = 1, n2 = arguments.length; i2 < n2; i2++)
for (var r2 in e2 = arguments[i2]), r2) && (t2[r2] = e2[r2]);
return t2;
}, t.apply(this, arguments);
function e(t2, e2, i2, n2) {
return new (i2 || (i2 = Promise))(function(r2, o2) {
function s2(t3) {
try {
} catch (t4) {
function a2(t3) {
try {
} catch (t4) {
function h2(t3) {
var e3;
t3.done ? r2(t3.value) : (e3 = t3.value, e3 instanceof i2 ? e3 : new i2(function(t4) {
})).then(s2, a2);
h2((n2 = n2.apply(t2, [])).next());
function i(t2, e2) {
var i2, n2, r2, o2, s2 = { label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & r2[0])
throw r2[1];
return r2[1];
}, trys: [], ops: [] };
return o2 = { next: a2(0), throw: a2(1), return: a2(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (o2[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), o2;
function a2(o3) {
return function(a3) {
return function(o4) {
if (i2)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s2; )
try {
if (i2 = 1, n2 && (r2 = 2 & o4[0] ? n2.return : o4[0] ? n2.throw || ((r2 = n2.return) &&, 0) : && !(r2 =, o4[1])).done)
return r2;
switch (n2 = 0, r2 && (o4 = [2 & o4[0], r2.value]), o4[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
r2 = o4;
case 4:
return s2.label++, { value: o4[1], done: false };
case 5:
s2.label++, n2 = o4[1], o4 = [0];
case 7:
o4 = s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
if (!(r2 = s2.trys, (r2 = r2.length > 0 && r2[r2.length - 1]) || 6 !== o4[0] && 2 !== o4[0])) {
s2 = 0;
if (3 === o4[0] && (!r2 || o4[1] > r2[0] && o4[1] < r2[3])) {
s2.label = o4[1];
if (6 === o4[0] && s2.label < r2[1]) {
s2.label = r2[1], r2 = o4;
if (r2 && s2.label < r2[2]) {
s2.label = r2[2], s2.ops.push(o4);
r2[2] && s2.ops.pop(), s2.trys.pop();
o4 =, s2);
} catch (t3) {
o4 = [6, t3], n2 = 0;
} finally {
i2 = r2 = 0;
if (5 & o4[0])
throw o4[1];
return { value: o4[0] ? o4[1] : void 0, done: true };
}([o3, a3]);
var n = { MP_WEIXIN: "mp-weixin", MP_QQ: "mp-qq", MP_ALIPAY: "mp-alipay", MP_BAIDU: "mp-baidu", MP_TOUTIAO: "mp-toutiao", MP_DINGDING: "mp-dingding", H5: "h5", WEB: "web", PLUS: "plus" }, r = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], o = "right", s = "bottom", a = ["contentSize", "clientSize", "borderSize", "offsetSize"], h = "row", c = "column", f = { TOP: "top", MIDDLE: "middle", BOTTOM: s }, l = { LEFT: "left", CENTER: "center", RIGHT: o }, d = "view", u = "text", p = "image", g = "qrcode", v = "block", y = "inline-block", x = "none", b = "flex", w = "absolute", m = "fixed", S = { display: v, color: "#000000", lineHeight: "1.4em", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "sans-serif", lineCap: "butt", flexDirection: h, flexWrap: "nowrap", textAlign: "left", alignItems: "flex-start", justifyContent: "flex-start", position: "static", transformOrigin: "".concat("center", " ").concat("center") }, z = { upx2px: function(t2) {
return window.innerWidth / 750 * t2;
}, getSystemInfoSync: function() {
return { screenWidth: window.innerWidth, screenHeight: window.innerHeight };
}, getImageInfo: function(t2) {
var e2 = t2.src, i2 = t2.success, n2 =, r2 = new Image();
r2.onload = function() {
i2({ width: r2.naturalWidth, height: r2.naturalHeight, path: r2.src, src: e2 });
}, r2.onerror = n2, r2.src = e2;
} }, I = "object" == typeof window ? "undefined" == typeof common_vendor.index || "undefined" != typeof common_vendor.index && !common_vendor.index.addInterceptor ? n.WEB : n.H5 : "object" == typeof swan ? n.MP_BAIDU : "object" == typeof tt ? n.MP_TOUTIAO : "object" == typeof plus ? n.PLUS : "object" == typeof common_vendor.wx$1 ? n.MP_WEIXIN : void 0, M = I == n.MP_WEIXIN ? common_vendor.wx$1 : "undefined" != typeof common_vendor.index ? common_vendor.index.getImageInfo ? { upx2px: function(t2) {
return common_vendor.index.upx2px(t2);
}, getSystemInfoSync: function() {
return common_vendor.index.getSystemInfoSync();
}, getImageInfo: function(t2) {
return common_vendor.index.getImageInfo(t2);
}, downloadFile: function(t2) {
return common_vendor.index.downloadFile(t2);
} } : Object.assign(common_vendor.index, z) : "undefined" != typeof window ? z : common_vendor.index;
if (!M.upx2px) {
var k = ((M.getSystemInfoSync && M.getSystemInfoSync()).screenWidth || 375) / 750;
M.upx2px = function(t2) {
return k * t2;
function B(t2) {
return /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(t2);
function W(t2, e2, i2) {
if (B(t2))
return 1 * t2;
if ("string" == typeof t2) {
var n2 = /^-?([0-9]+)?([.]{1}[0-9]+){0,1}(em|rpx|vw|vh|px|%)$/g.exec(t2);
if (!t2 || !n2)
return 0;
var r2 = n2[3];
t2 = parseFloat(t2);
var o2 = 0;
if ("rpx" === r2)
o2 = M.upx2px(t2);
else if ("px" === r2)
o2 = 1 * t2;
else if ("%" === r2 && e2)
o2 = t2 * W(e2) / 100;
else if ("em" === r2 && e2)
o2 = t2 * W(e2 || 14);
else if (["vw", "vh"].includes(r2)) {
var s2 = M.getSystemInfoSync(), a2 = s2.screenWidth, h2 = s2.screenHeight;
o2 = t2 * ("vw" == r2 ? a2 : h2) / 100;
return 1 * o2.toFixed(2);
return 0;
function P(t2) {
return /%$/.test(t2);
var O = function(t2) {
return !(!t2 || !t2.startsWith("linear") && !t2.startsWith("radial"));
}, T = function(t2, e2, i2, n2, r2, o2) {
t2.startsWith("linear") ? function(t3, e3, i3, n3, r3, o3) {
for (var s2 = function(t4, e4, i4, n4, r4) {
void 0 === n4 && (n4 = 0);
void 0 === r4 && (r4 = 0);
var o4 = t4.match(/([-]?\d{1,3})deg/), s3 = o4 && o4[1] ? parseFloat(o4[1]) : 0;
s3 >= 360 && (s3 -= 360);
s3 < 0 && (s3 += 360);
if (0 === (s3 = Math.round(s3)))
return { x0: Math.round(e4 / 2) + n4, y0: i4 + r4, x1: Math.round(e4 / 2) + n4, y1: r4 };
if (180 === s3)
return { x0: Math.round(e4 / 2) + n4, y0: r4, x1: Math.round(e4 / 2) + n4, y1: i4 + r4 };
if (90 === s3)
return { x0: n4, y0: Math.round(i4 / 2) + r4, x1: e4 + n4, y1: Math.round(i4 / 2) + r4 };
if (270 === s3)
return { x0: e4 + n4, y0: Math.round(i4 / 2) + r4, x1: n4, y1: Math.round(i4 / 2) + r4 };
var a3 = Math.round(180 * Math.asin(e4 / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e4, 2) + Math.pow(i4, 2))) / Math.PI);
if (s3 === a3)
return { x0: n4, y0: i4 + r4, x1: e4 + n4, y1: r4 };
if (s3 === 180 - a3)
return { x0: n4, y0: r4, x1: e4 + n4, y1: i4 + r4 };
if (s3 === 180 + a3)
return { x0: e4 + n4, y0: r4, x1: n4, y1: i4 + r4 };
if (s3 === 360 - a3)
return { x0: e4 + n4, y0: i4 + r4, x1: n4, y1: r4 };
var h3 = 0, c3 = 0, f3 = 0, l3 = 0;
if (s3 < a3 || s3 > 180 - a3 && s3 < 180 || s3 > 180 && s3 < 180 + a3 || s3 > 360 - a3) {
var d3 = s3 * Math.PI / 180, u3 = s3 < a3 || s3 > 360 - a3 ? i4 / 2 : -i4 / 2, p3 = Math.tan(d3) * u3, g2 = s3 < a3 || s3 > 180 - a3 && s3 < 180 ? e4 / 2 - p3 : -e4 / 2 - p3;
h3 = -(f3 = p3 + (v2 = Math.pow(Math.sin(d3), 2) * g2)), c3 = -(l3 = u3 + v2 / Math.tan(d3));
if (s3 > a3 && s3 < 90 || s3 > 90 && s3 < 90 + a3 || s3 > 180 + a3 && s3 < 270 || s3 > 270 && s3 < 360 - a3) {
var v2;
d3 = (90 - s3) * Math.PI / 180, p3 = s3 > a3 && s3 < 90 || s3 > 90 && s3 < 90 + a3 ? e4 / 2 : -e4 / 2, u3 = Math.tan(d3) * p3, g2 = s3 > a3 && s3 < 90 || s3 > 270 && s3 < 360 - a3 ? i4 / 2 - u3 : -i4 / 2 - u3;
h3 = -(f3 = p3 + (v2 = Math.pow(Math.sin(d3), 2) * g2) / Math.tan(d3)), c3 = -(l3 = u3 + v2);
return h3 = Math.round(h3 + e4 / 2) + n4, c3 = Math.round(i4 / 2 - c3) + r4, f3 = Math.round(f3 + e4 / 2) + n4, l3 = Math.round(i4 / 2 - l3) + r4, { x0: h3, y0: c3, x1: f3, y1: l3 };
}(r3, t3, e3, i3, n3), a2 = s2.x0, h2 = s2.y0, c2 = s2.x1, f2 = s2.y1, l2 = o3.createLinearGradient(a2, h2, c2, f2), d2 = r3.match(/linear-gradient\((.+)\)/)[1], u2 = L(d2.substring(d2.indexOf(",") + 1)), p2 = 0; p2 < u2.colors.length; p2++)
l2.addColorStop(u2.percents[p2], u2.colors[p2]);
}(e2, i2, n2, r2, t2, o2) : t2.startsWith("radial") && function(t3, e3, i3, n3, r3, o3) {
for (var s2 = L(r3.match(/radial-gradient\((.+)\)/)[1]), a2 = Math.round(t3 / 2) + i3, h2 = Math.round(e3 / 2) + n3, c2 = o3.createRadialGradient(a2, h2, 0, a2, h2, Math.max(t3, e3) / 2), f2 = 0; f2 < s2.colors.length; f2++)
c2.addColorStop(s2.percents[f2], s2.colors[f2]);
}(e2, i2, n2, r2, t2, o2);
function L(t2) {
for (var e2 = [], i2 = [], n2 = 0, r2 = t2.substring(0, t2.length - 1).split("%,"); n2 < r2.length; n2++) {
var o2 = r2[n2];
e2.push(o2.substring(0, o2.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim()), i2.push(o2.substring(o2.lastIndexOf(" "), o2.length) / 100);
return { colors: e2, percents: i2 };
function R(t2, e2, i2) {
return e2 in t2 ? Object.defineProperty(t2, e2, { value: i2, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t2[e2] = i2, t2;
function F() {
return F = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(t2) {
for (var e2 = 1; e2 < arguments.length; e2++) {
var i2 = arguments[e2];
for (var n2 in i2), n2) && (t2[n2] = i2[n2]);
return t2;
}, F.apply(this, arguments);
function A(t2, e2) {
return A = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(t3, e3) {
return t3.__proto__ = e3, t3;
}, A(t2, e2);
function j(t2, e2) {
(null == e2 || e2 > t2.length) && (e2 = t2.length);
for (var i2 = 0, n2 = new Array(e2); i2 < e2; i2++)
n2[i2] = t2[i2];
return n2;
function E(t2, e2) {
var i2 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t2[Symbol.iterator] || t2["@@iterator"];
if (i2)
return (i2 =;
if (Array.isArray(t2) || (i2 = function(t3, e3) {
if (t3) {
if ("string" == typeof t3)
return j(t3, e3);
var i3 =, -1);
return "Object" === i3 && t3.constructor && (i3 =, "Map" === i3 || "Set" === i3 ? Array.from(t3) : "Arguments" === i3 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i3) ? j(t3, e3) : void 0;
}(t2)) || e2) {
i2 && (t2 = i2);
var n2 = 0;
return function() {
return n2 >= t2.length ? { done: true } : { done: false, value: t2[n2++] };
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
function C(t2) {
return "number" == typeof t2;
function H(t2) {
return "auto" === t2 || null === t2;
function D(t2) {
return /%$/.test(t2);
var Y = p, $ = u, U = d, N = g, X = y, _ = w, q = m;
function G(t2) {
return t2.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(t3, e2) {
return e2.toUpperCase();
function V(t2, e2) {
var i2, n2, o2 = function(t3) {
var e3 = t3.match(/([a-z]+)/)[1];
return [e3, G(t3.split(e3)[1])];
}(t2), s2 = o2[0], a2 = o2[1], h2 = e2.split(" ");
if (a2)
return (i2 = {})[s2 + a2] = e2, i2;
if (h2.length && !a2) {
var c2 = h2[0], f2 = h2[1], l2 = h2[2], d2 = h2[3];
return (n2 = {})[s2 + r[0]] = c2, n2[s2 + r[1]] = f2 || c2, n2[s2 + r[2]] = l2 || c2, n2[s2 + r[3]] = d2 || f2 || c2, n2;
function J(t2) {
t2 = t2.trim();
for (var e2 = new Array(), i2 = "+", n2 = "", r2 = t2.length, o2 = 0; o2 < r2; ++o2) {
if ("." === t2[o2] || !isNaN(Number(t2[o2])) && " " !== t2[o2])
n2 += t2[o2];
else if ("(" === t2[o2]) {
for (var s2 = 1, a2 = o2; s2 > 0; )
"(" === t2[a2 += 1] && (s2 += 1), ")" === t2[a2] && (s2 -= 1);
n2 = "".concat(J(t2.slice(o2 + 1, a2))), o2 = a2;
if (isNaN(Number(t2[o2])) && "." !== t2[o2] || o2 === r2 - 1) {
var h2 = parseFloat(n2);
switch (i2) {
case "+":
case "-":
case "*":
e2.push(e2.pop() * h2);
case "/":
e2.push(e2.pop() / h2);
i2 = t2[o2], n2 = "";
for (var c2 = 0; e2.length; )
c2 += e2.pop();
return c2;
var Q, Z = 0, K = function() {
function t2() {
R(this, "elements", []), R(this, "afterElements", []), R(this, "beforeElements", []), R(this, "ids", []), R(this, "width", 0), R(this, "height", 0), R(this, "top", 0), R(this, "left", 0), R(this, "pre", null), R(this, "offsetX", 0), R(this, "offsetY", 0), Z++, = Z;
var e2 = t2.prototype;
return e2.fixedBind = function(t3, e3) {
void 0 === e3 && (e3 = 0), this.container = e3 ? t3.parent : t3.root, this.container.fixedLine = this, this.fixedAdd(t3);
}, e2.fixedAdd = function(t3) {
if (!this.ids.includes( {
this.ids.push(, this.elements.push(t3);
var e3 = t3.computedStyle.zIndex;
(void 0 === e3 ? 0 : e3) >= 0 ? this.afterElements.push(t3) : this.beforeElements.push(t3), this.refreshLayout();
}, e2.bind = function(t3) {
this.container = t3.parent, this.container.line = null, this.container.lines ? (this.container.lines.push(this), this.pre = this.getPreLine(), = + this.pre.height, this.left = this.container.contentSize.left) : ( =, this.left = this.container.contentSize.left, this.container.lines = [this]), this.isInline = t3.isInline(), this.container.line = this, this.outerWidth = t3.parent && t3.parent.contentSize.width ? t3.parent.contentSize.width : 1 / 0, this.add(t3);
}, e2.getPreLine = function() {
return this.container.lines[this.container.lines.length - 2];
}, e2.canIEnter = function(t3) {
return !((100 * t3.offsetSize.width + 100 * this.width) / 100 > this.outerWidth) || (this.closeLine(), false);
}, e2.closeLine = function() {
delete this.container.line;
}, e2.add = function(t3) {
this.ids.includes( || (this.ids.push(, this.elements.push(t3), this.refreshWidthHeight(t3));
}, e2.refreshWidthHeight = function(t3) {
t3.offsetSize.height > this.height && (this.height = t3.offsetSize.height), this.width += t3.offsetSize.width || 0, (this.container.lineMaxWidth || 0) < this.width && (this.container.lineMaxWidth = this.width);
}, e2.refreshXAlign = function() {
if (this.isInline) {
var t3 = this.container.contentSize.width - this.width, e3 =;
"center" === e3 ? t3 /= 2 : "left" === e3 && (t3 = 0), this.offsetX = t3;
}, e2.getOffsetY = function(t3) {
if (!t3 || !
return 0;
var e3 = ( || {}).verticalAlign;
return e3 === s ? this.height - t3.contentSize.height : "middle" === e3 ? (this.height - t3.contentSize.height) / 2 : 0;
}, e2.setIndent = function(t3) {
var e3 =;
if (e3 && /^calc/.test(e3)) {
var i2 = /^calc\((.+)\)$/.exec(e3);
if (i2 && i2[1]) {
var n2 = i2[1].replace(/([^\s\(\+\-\*\/]+)\.(left|right|bottom|top|width|height)/g, function(e4) {
var i3 = e4.split("."), n3 = i3[0], r3 = i3[1], o2 = t3.parent.querySelector(n3);
if (o2 && o2.offsetSize) {
var s2 = { right: o2.offsetSize.left + o2.offsetSize.width, bottom: + o2.offsetSize.height };
return o2.offsetSize[r3] || s2[r3] || 0;
}), r2 = J(n2.replace(new RegExp(/-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(rpx|px|%)/, "g"), W)); = r2;
}, e2.layout = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = this;
this.refreshXAlign(), this.pre ? ( = + this.pre.height + this.offsetY, this.left = e3 + this.offsetX) : ( = Math.max(,, t3) + this.offsetY, this.left = Math.max(this.left, this.container.contentSize.left, e3) + this.offsetX), this.elements.forEach(function(t4, e4) {
var n2 = i2.elements[e4 - 1], r2 = i2.getOffsetY(t4); = + r2, = n2 ? n2.offsetSize.left + n2.offsetSize.width : i2.left, t4.getBoxPosition();
}, e2.refreshLayout = function() {
this.afterElements = this.afterElements.sort(function(t3, e3) {
return t3.computedStyle.zIndex - e3.computedStyle.zIndex;
}), this.beforeElements = this.beforeElements.sort(function(t3, e3) {
return t3.computedStyle.zIndex - e3.computedStyle.zIndex;
}, t2;
}(), et = ((Q = {})[h] = { width: "width", contentWidth: "width", lineMaxWidth: "lineMaxWidth", left: "left", top: "top", height: "height", lineMaxHeight: "lineMaxHeight", marginLeft: "marginLeft" }, Q[c] = { width: "height", contentWidth: "height", lineMaxWidth: "lineMaxWidth", left: "top", top: "left", height: "width", lineMaxHeight: "lineMaxHeight", marginLeft: "marginTop" }, Q), it = function(t2) {
var e2, i2;
function n2() {
var e3;
return R(function(t3) {
if (void 0 === t3)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t3;
}(e3 = || this), "outerWidth", 0), e3.exactValue = 0, e3.flexTotal = 0, e3.width = 0, e3.key = null, e3.flexDirection = "row", e3;
i2 = t2, (e2 = n2).prototype = Object.create(i2.prototype), e2.prototype.constructor = e2, A(e2, i2);
var r2 = n2.prototype;
return r2.bind = function(t3) {
this.container = t3.parent, this.container.line = this, this.container.lines ? (this.container.lines.push(this), this.pre = this.getPreLine(), = + this.pre.height, this.left = this.container.contentSize.left) : ( =, this.left = this.container.contentSize.left, this.container.lines = [this]), t3.parent && (this.flexDirection =, this.key = et[this.flexDirection]), this.initHeight(t3), this.outerWidth = t3.parent && t3.parent.contentSize[this.key.contentWidth] ? t3.parent.contentSize[this.key.contentWidth] : 1 / 0, this.add(t3);
}, r2.add = function(t3) {
var e3 =;
C(e3) ? this.flexTotal += e3 : C(this.getWidth( && (this.exactValue += this.getWidth(t3.offsetSize)), this.elements.push(t3), this.refreshWidthHeight(t3), || this.closeLine();
}, r2.closeLine = function() {
}, r2.initHeight = function(t3) {
this[this.key.height] = 0;
}, r2.getWidth = function(t3) {
return t3[this.key.width] || 0;
}, r2.getHeight = function(t3) {
return t3[this.key.height] || 0;
}, r2.setWidth = function(t3, e3) {
t3[this.key.width] = e3;
}, r2.setHeight = function(t3, e3) {
t3[this.key.height] = e3;
}, r2.calcFlex = function() {
var t3 = this, e3 = this.container.contentSize[this.key.contentWidth], i3 = 0;
this.elements.forEach(function(n3) {
var r3 =, o2 = n3.contentSize, s2 = t3.getWidth(r3) || t3.getWidth(o2);
C(r3.flex) && (s2 = r3.flex / t3.flexTotal * (e3 - t3.exactValue)), t3.setWidth(n3.computedStyle, s2), n3.isFlexCalc = true, delete n3.line, delete n3.lines, delete n3.lineMaxWidth, n3.getBoxWidthHeight(), i3 = Math.max(i3, t3.getHeight(n3.offsetSize));
}), this.setHeight(this, i3);
}, r2.refreshWidthHeight = function(t3) {
var e3 =;
e3 && ! && ( = e3);
var i3 = this.getHeight(t3.offsetSize);
i3 > this[this.key.height] && (this.container[this.key.lineMaxHeight] = this[this.key.height] = i3), this[this.key.width] += this.getWidth(t3.offsetSize);
var n3 = Math.min(this.getWidth(this), !this.getWidth(this.container.contentSize) && 1 / 0);
(this.container[this.key.lineMaxWidth] || 0) < n3 && (this.container[this.key.lineMaxWidth] = n3);
}, r2.refreshXAlign = function() {
var t3 = this, e3 = this.elements.reduce(function(e4, i4) {
return e4 + t3.getWidth(i4.offsetSize);
}, 0), i3 = (this.outerWidth == 1 / 0 ? 0 : this.outerWidth - e3) || 0, n3 =;
"center" === n3 ? i3 /= 2 : "flex-start" === n3 ? i3 = 0 : ["space-between", "space-around"].includes(n3) && (!function(e4, i4) {
void 0 === i4 && (i4 = 0), i4 /= t3.elements.length + (e4 ? -1 : 1), t3.elements.forEach(function(n4, r3) {
var o2;
e4 && !r3 || ( ?[t3.key.marginLeft] += i4 : = ((o2 = {})[t3.key.marginLeft] = i4, o2), n4.getBoxPosition());
}), i4 = 0;
}("space-between" == n3, i3), i3 = 0), this.offsetX = i3 || 0, this.refreshYAlign();
}, r2.refreshYAlign = function() {
var t3 = this;
if (1 == this.container.lines.length)
return 0;
var e3 = this.container.lines.reduce(function(e4, i4) {
return e4 + t3.getHeight(i4);
}, 0), i3 =, n3 = this.getHeight(this.container.contentSize);
if ("center" === i3) {
var r3 = (n3 - e3) / (this.container.lines.length + 1);
this.container.lines.forEach(function(t4) {
t4.offsetY = r3;
if ("flex-end" === i3) {
var o2 = n3 - e3;
this.container.lines[0].offsetY = o2;
}, r2.getOffsetY = function(t3) {
if (this.container.lines.length > 1)
return 0;
var e3 =, i3 = this.getHeight(this.container.contentSize), n3 = i3 - this.getHeight(t3.offsetSize);
return "flex-end" === e3 ? n3 : "center" === e3 ? n3 / 2 : "stretch" === e3 ? (n3 && == d && ([this.key.width] = this.getWidth(t3.offsetSize),[this.key.height] = i3, delete t3.line, delete t3.lines, t3.getBoxWidthHeight()), 0) : 0;
}, r2.layout = function(t3, e3) {
var i3 = this;
this.refreshXAlign(), this.pre ? ( = + this.pre.height + this.offsetY, this.left = e3 + this.offsetX) : ( = Math.max(,, t3) + this.offsetY, this.left = Math.max(this.left, this.container.contentSize.left, e3) + this.offsetX), this.elements.forEach(function(t4, e4) {
var n3 = i3.elements[e4 - 1], r3 = i3.getOffsetY(t4);[] = i3[] + r3,[i3.key.left] = n3 ? n3.offsetSize[i3.key.left] + i3.getWidth(n3.offsetSize) : i3[i3.key.left], t4.getBoxPosition();
}, n2;
}(K), nt = p, rt = u, ot = d, st = v, at = y, ht = b, ct = w, ft = m, lt = 0, dt = { left: null, top: null, width: null, height: null }, ut = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), pt = function() {
function t2(t3, e3, i2, n2) {
var o2 = this;
R(this, "id", lt++), R(this, "style", { left: null, top: null, width: null, height: null }), R(this, "computedStyle", {}), R(this, "originStyle", {}), R(this, "children", {}), R(this, "layoutBox", F({}, dt)), R(this, "contentSize", F({}, dt)), R(this, "clientSize", F({}, dt)), R(this, "borderSize", F({}, dt)), R(this, "offsetSize", F({}, dt)), this.ctx = n2, this.root = i2, e3 && (this.parent = e3), = t3.type ||, this.attributes = this.getAttributes(t3);
var s2 = function(t4, e4) {
var i3, n3 = ["color", "fontSize", "lineHeight", "verticalAlign", "fontWeight", "textAlign"], o3 = t4.type, s3 = void 0 === o3 ? U : o3, a3 = t4.styles, h2 = void 0 === a3 ? {} : a3, c2 = (e4 || {}).computedStyle, f2 = Object.assign({}, S);
if ([$, Y, N].includes(s3) && !h2.display && (f2.display = X), c2)
for (var l2 = 0; l2 < n3.length; l2++) {
var d2 = n3[l2];
(h2[d2] || c2[d2]) && (h2[d2] = h2[i3 = d2, i3.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()] || h2[d2] || c2[d2]);
for (var u2 = function(t5) {
var e5, i4, n4, o4, a4 = h2[t5];
if (/-/.test(t5) && (t5 = G(t5), f2[t5] = a4), /^(box|text)?shadow$/i.test(t5)) {
var c3 = [];
return a4.replace(/((-?\d+(rpx|px|vw|vh)?\s+?){3})(.+)/, function() {
for (var t6 = [], e6 = 0; e6 < arguments.length; e6++)
t6[e6] = arguments[e6];
c3 = t6[1].match(/-?\d+(rpx|px|vw|vh)?/g).map(function(t7) {
return W(t7);
}), /^text/.test(t5) ? f2.textShadow = c3 : f2.boxShadow = c3, "continue";
if (/^border/i.test(t5) && !/radius$/i.test(t5)) {
var l3 = t5.match(/^border([BTRLa-z]+)?/)[0], d3 = t5.match(/[W|S|C][a-z]+/), u3 = a4.replace(/([\(,])\s+|\s+([\),])/g, "$1$2").split(" ").map(function(t6) {
return /^\d/.test(t6) ? W(t6, "") : t6;
return f2[l3] || (f2[l3] = {}), 1 == u3.length && d3 ? f2[l3][l3 + d3[0]] = u3[0] : f2[l3] = ((e5 = {})[l3 + "Width"] = B(u3[0]) ? u3[0] : 0, e5[l3 + "Style"] = u3[1] || "solid", e5[l3 + "Color"] = u3[2] || "black", e5), "continue";
if (/^background(color)?$/i.test(t5))
return f2.backgroundColor = a4, "continue";
if (/^objectPosition$/i.test(t5))
return f2[t5] = a4.split(" "), "continue";
if (/padding|margin|radius/i.test(t5)) {
var p3 = /radius$/i.test(t5), g3 = "borderRadius", v2 = p3 ? g3 : t5.match(/[a-z]+/)[0], y2 = function(t6, e6) {
return "border".concat(t6).concat(e6, "Radius");
}, x2 = [0, 0, 0, 0].map(function(t6, e6) {
return p3 ? [y2(r[0], r[3]), y2(r[0], r[1]), y2(r[2], r[1]), y2(r[2], r[3])][e6] : v2 + r[e6];
if ("padding" === t5 || "margin" === t5 || /^(border)?radius$/i.test(t5)) {
u3 = "".concat(a4).split(" ").map(function(e6) {
return /^-?\d+(rpx|px|vh|vw)?$/.test(e6) ? W(e6) : "margin" != t5 && /auto/.test(e6) ? 0 : e6;
}, []) || [0];
var b2 = p3 ? g3 : t5, w2 = u3[0], m2 = u3[1], S2 = u3[2], z2 = u3[3];
f2[b2] = ((i4 = {})[x2[0]] = H(w2) ? 0 : w2, i4[x2[1]] = B(m2) || H(m2) ? m2 : w2, i4[x2[2]] = H(B(S2) ? S2 : w2) ? 0 : B(S2) ? S2 : w2, i4[x2[3]] = B(z2) ? z2 : null != m2 ? m2 : w2, i4);
} else
"object" == typeof f2[v2] || (f2[v2] = ((n4 = {})[x2[0]] = f2[v2] || 0, n4[x2[1]] = f2[v2] || 0, n4[x2[2]] = f2[v2] || 0, n4[x2[3]] = f2[v2] || 0, n4)), f2[v2][t5] = "margin" == v2 && H(a4) || D(a4) ? a4 : W(a4);
return "continue";
if (/^transform$/i.test(t5))
return f2[t5] = {}, a4.replace(/([a-zA-Z]+)\(([0-9,-\.%rpxdeg\s]+)\)/g, function(e6, i5, n5) {
var r2 = n5.split(",").map(function(t6) {
return t6.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
}), o5 = function(t6, e7) {
return t6.includes("deg") ? 1 * t6 : e7 && !D(e7) ? W(t6, e7) : t6;
i5.includes("matrix") ? f2[t5][i5] = {
return 1 * t6;
}) : i5.includes("rotate") ? f2[t5][i5] = 1 * n5.match(/^-?\d+(\.\d+)?/)[0] : /[X, Y]/.test(i5) ? f2[t5][i5] = /[X]/.test(i5) ? o5(r2[0], h2.width) : o5(r2[0], h2.height) : (f2[t5][i5 + "X"] = o5(r2[0], h2.width), f2[t5][i5 + "Y"] = o5(r2[1] || r2[0], h2.height));
}), "continue";
if (/^font$/i.test(t5) && console.warn("font 不支持简写"), /^textindent/i.test(t5) && (f2[t5] = /^calc/.test(a4) ? a4 : W(a4)), /^textstroke/i.test(t5)) {
var I2 = t5.match(/color|width|type$/i), M2 = (l3 = "textStroke", a4.split(" ").map(function(t6) {
return /^\d+(rpx|px|vh|vw)?$/.test(t6) ? W(t6) : t6;
return I2 ? f2[l3] ? f2[l3][I2[0]] = M2[0] : f2[l3] = ((o4 = {})[I2[0]] = M2[0], o4) : f2[l3] = { width: M2[0], color: M2[1], type: M2[2] }, "continue";
/^left|top$/i.test(t5) && ![_, q].includes(h2.position) ? f2[t5] = 0 : f2[t5] = /^-?[\d\.]+(px|rpx|vw|vh)?$/.test(a4) ? W(a4) : /em$/.test(a4) && s3 == $ ? W(a4, h2.fontSize) : a4;
}, p2 = 0, g2 = Object.keys(h2); p2 < g2.length; p2++)
return f2;
}(t3, e3);
this.isAbsolute = s2.position == ct, this.isFixed = s2.position == ft, this.originStyle = s2, this.styles = t3.styles, Object.keys(s2).forEach(function(t4) {
Object.defineProperty(, t4, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() {
return s2[t4];
}, set: function(e4) {
s2[t4] = e4;
} });
var a2 = { contentSize: F({}, this.contentSize), clientSize: F({}, this.clientSize), borderSize: F({}, this.borderSize), offsetSize: F({}, this.offsetSize) };
Object.keys(a2).forEach(function(t4) {
Object.keys(o2[t4]).forEach(function(e4) {
Object.defineProperty(o2[t4], e4, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() {
return a2[t4][e4];
}, set: function(i3) {
a2[t4][e4] = i3;
} });
}), this.computedStyle =;
var e2 = t2.prototype;
return e2.add = function(t3) {
t3.parent = this, this.children[] = t3;
}, e2.getChildren = function() {
var t3 = this;
return Object.keys(this.children).map(function(e3) {
return t3.children[e3];
}, e2.prev = function(t3) {
void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this);
var e3 = t3.parent.getChildren();
return e3[e3.findIndex(function(e4) {
return ==;
}) - 1];
}, e2.querySelector = function(t3) {
var e3 = this.getChildren();
if ("string" != typeof t3)
return null;
var i2 = e3.find(function(e4) {
var i3 =, n2 = e4.attributes;
return i3 == t3 || n2 && n2.uid == t3;
return i2 || (this.parent && this.parent.querySelector && this.parent.querySelector(t3) || null);
}, e2.getLineRect = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = { width: 0, height: 0 }, n2 = e3 ? e3.lines : this.parent && this.parent.lines;
return n2 && n2.find(function(e4) {
return e4.ids.includes(t3);
}) || i2;
}, e2.setPosition = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = { left: "width", top: "height", right: "width", bottom: "height" };
Object.keys(i2).forEach(function(n2) {
var r2 = n2 == o ? "left" : "top";
[o, s].includes(n2) && void 0 !==[n2] && !B(t3.originStyle[r2]) ?[r2] = e3[i2[n2]] - t3.offsetSize[i2[n2]] - W([n2], e3[i2[n2]]) :[n2] = W([n2], e3[i2[n2]]);
}, e2.getAttributes = function(t3) {
var e3 = t3.attributes, i2 = void 0 === e3 ? {} : e3, n2 = t3.uid, r2 = t3.url, o2 = t3.src, s2 = t3.replace, a2 = t3.text;
return n2 && (i2.uid = n2), (r2 || o2) && (i2.src = i2.src || r2 || o2), s2 && (i2.replace = s2), a2 && (i2.text = a2), i2;
}, e2.getOffsetSize = function(t3, e3, i2) {
void 0 === i2 && (i2 = a[3]);
var n2 = e3 || {}, r2 = n2.margin, o2 = (r2 = void 0 === r2 ? {} : r2).marginLeft, s2 = void 0 === o2 ? 0 : o2, h2 = r2.marginTop, c2 = void 0 === h2 ? 0 : h2, f2 = r2.marginRight, l2 = void 0 === f2 ? 0 : f2, d2 = r2.marginBottom, u2 = void 0 === d2 ? 0 : d2, p2 = n2.padding, g2 = (p2 = void 0 === p2 ? {} : p2).paddingLeft, v2 = void 0 === g2 ? 0 : g2, y2 = p2.paddingTop, x2 = void 0 === y2 ? 0 : y2, b2 = p2.paddingRight, w2 = void 0 === b2 ? 0 : b2, m2 = p2.paddingBottom, S2 = void 0 === m2 ? 0 : m2, z2 = n2.border, I2 = (z2 = void 0 === z2 ? {} : z2).borderWidth, M2 = void 0 === I2 ? 0 : I2, k = n2.borderTop, B2 = (k = void 0 === k ? {} : k).borderTopWidth, W2 = void 0 === B2 ? M2 : B2, P2 = n2.borderBottom, O2 = (P2 = void 0 === P2 ? {} : P2).borderBottomWidth, T2 = void 0 === O2 ? M2 : O2, L2 = n2.borderRight, R2 = (L2 = void 0 === L2 ? {} : L2).borderRightWidth, F2 = void 0 === R2 ? M2 : R2, A2 = n2.borderLeft, j2 = (A2 = void 0 === A2 ? {} : A2).borderLeftWidth, E2 = void 0 === j2 ? M2 : j2, C2 = s2 < 0 && l2 < 0 ? Math.abs(s2 + l2) : 0, H2 = c2 < 0 && u2 < 0 ? Math.abs(c2 + u2) : 0, D2 = s2 >= 0 && l2 < 0, Y2 = c2 >= 0 && u2 < 0;
return i2 == a[0] && (this[i2].left = t3.left + s2 + v2 + E2 + (D2 ? 2 * -l2 : 0), this[i2].top = + c2 + x2 + W2 + (Y2 ? 2 * -u2 : 0), this[i2].width = t3.width + (this[i2].widthAdd ? 0 : C2), this[i2].height = t3.height + (this[i2].heightAdd ? 0 : H2), this[i2].widthAdd = C2, this[i2].heightAdd = H2), i2 == a[1] && (this[i2].left = t3.left + s2 + E2 + (D2 < 0 ? -l2 : 0), this[i2].top = + c2 + W2 + (Y2 ? -u2 : 0), this[i2].width = t3.width + v2 + w2, this[i2].height = t3.height + x2 + S2), i2 == a[2] && (this[i2].left = t3.left + s2 + E2 / 2 + (D2 < 0 ? -l2 : 0), this[i2].top = + c2 + W2 / 2 + (Y2 ? -u2 : 0), this[i2].width = t3.width + v2 + w2 + E2 / 2 + F2 / 2, this[i2].height = t3.height + x2 + S2 + T2 / 2 + W2 / 2), i2 == a[3] && (this[i2].left = t3.left + (D2 < 0 ? -l2 : 0), this[i2].top = + (Y2 ? -u2 : 0), this[i2].width = t3.width + v2 + w2 + E2 + F2 + s2 + l2, this[i2].height = t3.height + x2 + S2 + T2 + W2 + u2 + c2), this[i2];
}, e2.layoutBoxUpdate = function(t3, e3, i2, n2) {
var r2 = this;
if (void 0 === i2 && (i2 = -1), "border-box" == e3.boxSizing) {
var o2 = e3 || {}, s2 = o2.border, h2 = (s2 = void 0 === s2 ? {} : s2).borderWidth, c2 = void 0 === h2 ? 0 : h2, f2 = o2.borderTop, l2 = (f2 = void 0 === f2 ? {} : f2).borderTopWidth, d2 = void 0 === l2 ? c2 : l2, u2 = o2.borderBottom, p2 = (u2 = void 0 === u2 ? {} : u2).borderBottomWidth, g2 = void 0 === p2 ? c2 : p2, v2 = o2.borderRight, y2 = (v2 = void 0 === v2 ? {} : v2).borderRightWidth, x2 = void 0 === y2 ? c2 : y2, b2 = o2.borderLeft, w2 = (b2 = void 0 === b2 ? {} : b2).borderLeftWidth, m2 = void 0 === w2 ? c2 : w2, S2 = o2.padding, z2 = (S2 = void 0 === S2 ? {} : S2).paddingTop, I2 = void 0 === z2 ? 0 : z2, M2 = S2.paddingRight, k = void 0 === M2 ? 0 : M2, B2 = S2.paddingBottom, W2 = void 0 === B2 ? 0 : B2, P2 = S2.paddingLeft, O2 = void 0 === P2 ? 0 : P2;
i2 || (t3.width -= O2 + k + x2 + m2), 1 !== i2 || n2 || (t3.height -= I2 + W2 + d2 + g2);
this.layoutBox && (a.forEach(function(i3) {
return r2.layoutBox[i3] = r2.getOffsetSize(t3, e3, i3);
}), this.layoutBox = Object.assign({}, this.layoutBox, this.layoutBox.borderSize));
}, e2.getBoxPosition = function() {
var t3 = this.computedStyle, e3 = this.fixedLine, i2 = this.lines, n2 = t3.left, r2 = void 0 === n2 ? 0 : n2, o2 =, s2 = void 0 === o2 ? 0 : o2, a2 = F({}, this.contentSize, { left: r2, top: s2 }), h2 = -, c2 = this.contentSize.left - this.offsetSize.left;
if (this.root.fixedLine && !this.root.isDone) {
this.root.isDone = true;
for (var f2, l2 = E(this.root.fixedLine.elements); !(f2 = l2()).done; ) {
var d2 = f2.value;
d2.setPosition(d2, this.root.offsetSize), d2.getBoxPosition();
if (e3)
for (var u2, p2 = E(e3.elements); !(u2 = p2()).done; ) {
var g2 = u2.value, v2 = F({}, this.borderSize, { left: r2, top: s2 });
g2.setPosition(g2, v2);
var y2 = -, x2 = this.borderSize.left - this.offsetSize.left; += r2 + x2, += s2 + y2, g2.getBoxPosition();
if (i2)
for (var b2, w2 = E(i2); !(b2 = w2()).done; ) {
b2.value.layout( + h2, a2.left + c2);
return this.layoutBoxUpdate(a2, t3), this.layoutBox;
}, e2.getBoxState = function(t3, e3) {
return this.isBlock(t3) || this.isBlock(e3);
}, e2.isBlock = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this), t3 && == st;
}, e2.isFlex = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this), t3 && == ht;
}, e2.isInFlow = function() {
return !(this.isAbsolute || this.isFixed);
}, e2.inFlexBox = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this), !!t3.isInFlow() && (!!t3.parent && (!(!t3.parent || !== ht) || void 0));
}, e2.isInline = function(t3) {
return void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this), t3 && == at;
}, e2.contrastSize = function(t3, e3, i2) {
var n2 = t3;
return i2 && (n2 = Math.min(n2, i2)), e3 && (n2 = Math.max(n2, e3)), n2;
}, e2.measureText = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = this.ctx.measureText(t3), n2 = i2.width, r2 = i2.actualBoundingBoxAscent, o2 = i2.actualBoundingBoxDescent;
return { ascent: r2, descent: o2, width: n2, fontHeight: r2 + o2 || 0.7 * e3 + 1 };
}, e2.getParentSize = function(t3, e3) {
if (void 0 === t3 && (t3 = this), void 0 === e3 && (e3 = false), t3 && t3.parent) {
if (t3.parent.contentSize.width)
return t3.parent.contentSize;
if (e3)
return this.getParentSize(t3.parent, e3);
return null;
}, e2.getBoxWidthHeight = function() {
var t3 = this, e3 =, i2 = this.computedStyle, n2 = this.attributes, r2 = this.parent, o2 = void 0 === r2 ? {} : r2, s2 = this.ctx, a2 = this.getChildren(), h2 = i2.left, c2 = void 0 === h2 ? 0 : h2, f2 =, l2 = void 0 === f2 ? 0 : f2, d2 = i2.bottom, u2 = i2.right, p2 = i2.width, g2 = void 0 === p2 ? 0 : p2, v2 = i2.minWidth, y2 = i2.maxWidth, x2 = i2.minHeight, b2 = i2.maxHeight, w2 = i2.height, m2 = void 0 === w2 ? 0 : w2, S2 = i2.fontSize, z2 = i2.fontWeight, I2 = i2.fontFamily, M2 = i2.fontStyle, k = i2.position;
var B2 = i2.lineClamp, P2 = i2.lineHeight, O2 = i2.padding, T2 = void 0 === O2 ? {} : O2, L2 = i2.margin, R2 = void 0 === L2 ? {} : L2, F2 = i2.border, A2 = (F2 = void 0 === F2 ? {} : F2).borderWidth, j2 = void 0 === A2 ? 0 : A2, E2 = i2.borderRight, C2 = (E2 = void 0 === E2 ? {} : E2).borderRightWidth, Y2 = void 0 === C2 ? j2 : C2, $2 = i2.borderLeft, U2 = ($2 = void 0 === $2 ? {} : $2).borderLeftWidth, N2 = void 0 === U2 ? j2 : U2, X2 = o2.contentSize && o2.contentSize.width, _2 = o2.contentSize && o2.contentSize.height;
if (D(g2) && X2 && (g2 = W(g2, X2)), D(g2) && !X2 && (g2 = null), D(m2) && _2 && (m2 = W(m2, _2)), D(m2) && !_2 && (m2 = null), D(v2) && X2 && (v2 = W(v2, X2)), D(y2) && X2 && (y2 = W(y2, X2)), D(x2) && _2 && (x2 = W(x2, _2)), D(b2) && _2 && (b2 = W(b2, _2)), i2.padding && X2)
for (var q2 in i2.padding), q2) && (T2[q2] = W(T2[q2], X2));
var G2 = T2.paddingRight, V2 = void 0 === G2 ? 0 : G2, J2 = T2.paddingLeft, Q2 = void 0 === J2 ? 0 : J2;
if (i2.margin && [R2.marginLeft, R2.marginRight].includes("auto"))
if (g2) {
var Z2 = X2 && X2 - g2 - V2 - Q2 - N2 - Y2 || 0;
R2.marginLeft == R2.marginRight ? R2.marginLeft = R2.marginRight = Z2 / 2 : H(R2.marginLeft) ? R2.marginLeft = Z2 : R2.marginRight = Z2;
} else
R2.marginLeft = R2.marginRight = 0;
var tt2 = R2.marginRight, et2 = void 0 === tt2 ? 0 : tt2, st2 = R2.marginLeft, at2 = { width: g2, height: m2, left: 0, top: 0 }, ht2 = Q2 + V2 + N2 + Y2 + (void 0 === st2 ? 0 : st2) + et2;
if (this.offsetWidth = ht2, e3 == rt && !this.attributes.widths) {
var ft2 = n2.text || "";, s2.setFonts({ fontFamily: I2, fontSize: S2, fontWeight: z2, fontStyle: M2 }), ft2.length, "\n" == ft2 && (ft2 = "", this.isBr = true), ("" + ft2).split("\n").map(function(e4) {
var i3 = Array.from(e4).map(function(e5) {
var i4 = "" + (/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/.test(e5) ? "cn" : e5) + I2 + S2 + z2 + M2, n4 = ut.get(i4);
if (n4)
return { width: n4, text: e5 };
var r4 = t3.measureText(e5, S2).width;
return ut.set(i4, r4), { width: r4, text: e5 };
}), n3 = t3.measureText(e4, S2), r3 = n3.fontHeight, o3 = n3.ascent, s3 = n3.descent;
t3.attributes.fontHeight = r3, t3.attributes.ascent = o3, t3.attributes.descent = s3, t3.attributes.widths || (t3.attributes.widths = []), t3.attributes.widths.push({ widths: i3, total: i3.reduce(function(t4, e5) {
return t4 + e5.width;
}, 0) });
}), s2.restore();
if (e3 == nt && null == g2) {
var lt2 = n2.width, dt2 = n2.height;
at2.width = this.contrastSize(Math.round(lt2 * m2 / dt2) || 0, v2, y2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 0);
if (e3 == rt && null == g2) {
var pt2 = this.attributes.widths, gt2 = Math.max.apply(Math, {
if (o2 && X2 > 0 && (gt2 > X2 || this.isBlock(this)) && !this.isAbsolute && !this.isFixed)
gt2 = X2;
at2.width = this.contrastSize(gt2, v2, y2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 0);
if (e3 == rt && ( || !this.attributes.lines)) {
var vt2 = this.attributes.widths.length;
this.attributes.widths.forEach(function(t4) {
return t4.widths.reduce(function(t5, e4, i3) {
return t5 + e4.width > at2.width ? (vt2++, e4.width) : t5 + e4.width;
}, 0);
}), vt2 = B2 && vt2 > B2 ? B2 : vt2, this.attributes.lines = vt2;
if (e3 == nt && null == m2) {
var yt2 = n2.width, xt2 = n2.height;
n2.text, at2.height = this.contrastSize(W(at2.width * xt2 / yt2) || 0, x2, b2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 1);
e3 == rt && null == m2 && (P2 = W(P2, S2), at2.height = this.contrastSize(W(this.attributes.lines * P2), x2, b2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 1, true)), !g2 && o2 && o2.children && X2 && (!this.isFlex(o2) || o2.isFlexCalc) && ([ot, rt].includes(e3) && this.isFlex() || e3 == ot && this.isBlock(this) && this.isInFlow()) && (at2.width = this.contrastSize(X2 - (o2.isFlexCalc ? 0 : ht2), v2, y2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2)), g2 && !D(g2) && (at2.width = this.contrastSize(g2, v2, y2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 0)), m2 && !D(m2) && (at2.height = this.contrastSize(at2.height, x2, b2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 1));
var bt2 = 0;
if (a2.length) {
var wt2 = null, mt2 = false;
a2.forEach(function(e4, n3) {
var r3 = a2[n3 + 1];
if (r3 && r3.isInFlow() && ( = r3), !t3.line || !t3.line.ids.includes(
if (e4.isInFlow() && !e4.inFlexBox()) {
var o3 = t3.getBoxState(wt2, e4);
if (e4.isBr)
return mt2 = true;
t3.line && t3.line.canIEnter(e4) && !o3 && !mt2 ? t3.line.add(e4) : (mt2 = false, new K().bind(e4)), wt2 = e4;
} else
e4.inFlexBox() ? t3.line && (t3.line.canIEnter(e4) || "nowrap" == i2.flexWrap) ? t3.line.add(e4) : new it().bind(e4) : e4.isFixed ? t3.root.fixedLine ? t3.root.fixedLine.fixedAdd(e4) : new K().fixedBind(e4) : t3.fixedLine ? t3.fixedLine.fixedAdd(e4) : new K().fixedBind(e4, 1);
}), this.lines && (bt2 = this.lines.reduce(function(t4, e4) {
return t4 + e4.height;
}, 0));
var St2 = 0, zt2 = 0;
if (!g2 && (this.isAbsolute || this.isFixed) && X2) {
var It2 = k == ct ? X2 : this.root.width, Mt2 = It2 - (D(c2) ? W(c2, It2) : c2) - (D(u2) ? W(u2, It2) : u2);
St2 = i2.left ? Mt2 : this.lineMaxWidth;
if (!m2 && (null != l2 ? l2 : this.isAbsolute || this.isFixed && _2)) {
var kt2 = k == ct ? _2 : this.root.height, Bt = kt2 - (D(l2) ? W(l2, kt2) : l2) - (D(d2) ? W(d2, kt2) : d2);
zt2 = ? Bt : 0;
if (g2 && !D(g2) || at2.width || (at2.width = St2 || this.contrastSize((this.isBlock(this) && !this.isInFlow() ? X2 || o2.lineMaxWidth : this.lineMaxWidth) || this.lineMaxWidth, v2, y2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2, 0)), m2 || !bt2 && !zt2 || (at2.height = zt2 || this.contrastSize(bt2, x2, b2), this.layoutBoxUpdate(at2, i2)), i2.borderRadius && this.borderSize && this.borderSize.width)
for (var q2 in i2.borderRadius), q2) && (i2.borderRadius[q2] = W(i2.borderRadius[q2], this.borderSize.width));
return this.layoutBox;
}, e2.layout = function() {
return this.getBoxWidthHeight(), this.root.offsetSize = this.offsetSize, this.root.contentSize = this.contentSize, this.getBoxPosition(), this.offsetSize;
}, t2;
}(), gt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
var t2, e2, i2, n2, r2, o2, s2 = [0, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 20, 22, 24, 24, 26, 28, 28, 22, 24, 24, 26, 26, 28, 28, 24, 24, 26, 26, 26, 28, 28, 24, 26, 26, 26, 28, 28], a2 = [3220, 1468, 2713, 1235, 3062, 1890, 2119, 1549, 2344, 2936, 1117, 2583, 1330, 2470, 1667, 2249, 2028, 3780, 481, 4011, 142, 3098, 831, 3445, 592, 2517, 1776, 2234, 1951, 2827, 1070, 2660, 1345, 3177], h2 = [30660, 29427, 32170, 30877, 26159, 25368, 27713, 26998, 21522, 20773, 24188, 23371, 17913, 16590, 20375, 19104, 13663, 12392, 16177, 14854, 9396, 8579, 11994, 11245, 5769, 5054, 7399, 6608, 1890, 597, 3340, 2107], c2 = [1, 0, 19, 7, 1, 0, 16, 10, 1, 0, 13, 13, 1, 0, 9, 17, 1, 0, 34, 10, 1, 0, 28, 16, 1, 0, 22, 22, 1, 0, 16, 28, 1, 0, 55, 15, 1, 0, 44, 26, 2, 0, 17, 18, 2, 0, 13, 22, 1, 0, 80, 20, 2, 0, 32, 18, 2, 0, 24, 26, 4, 0, 9, 16, 1, 0, 108, 26, 2, 0, 43, 24, 2, 2, 15, 18, 2, 2, 11, 22, 2, 0, 68, 18, 4, 0, 27, 16, 4, 0, 19, 24, 4, 0, 15, 28, 2, 0, 78, 20, 4, 0, 31, 18, 2, 4, 14, 18, 4, 1, 13, 26, 2, 0, 97, 24, 2, 2, 38, 22, 4, 2, 18, 22, 4, 2, 14, 26, 2, 0, 116, 30, 3, 2, 36, 22, 4, 4, 16, 20, 4, 4, 12, 24, 2, 2, 68, 18, 4, 1, 43, 26, 6, 2, 19, 24, 6, 2, 15, 28, 4, 0, 81, 20, 1, 4, 50, 30, 4, 4, 22, 28, 3, 8, 12, 24, 2, 2, 92, 24, 6, 2, 36, 22, 4, 6, 20, 26, 7, 4, 14, 28, 4, 0, 107, 26, 8, 1, 37, 22, 8, 4, 20, 24, 12, 4, 11, 22, 3, 1, 115, 30, 4, 5, 40, 24, 11, 5, 16, 20, 11, 5, 12, 24, 5, 1, 87, 22, 5, 5, 41, 24, 5, 7, 24, 30, 11, 7, 12, 24, 5, 1, 98, 24, 7, 3, 45, 28, 15, 2, 19, 24, 3, 13, 15, 30, 1, 5, 107, 28, 10, 1, 46, 28, 1, 15, 22, 28, 2, 17, 14, 28, 5, 1, 120, 30, 9, 4, 43, 26, 17, 1, 22, 28, 2, 19, 14, 28, 3, 4, 113, 28, 3, 11, 44, 26, 17, 4, 21, 26, 9, 16, 13, 26, 3, 5, 107, 28, 3, 13, 41, 26, 15, 5, 24, 30, 15, 10, 15, 28, 4, 4, 116, 28, 17, 0, 42, 26, 17, 6, 22, 28, 19, 6, 16, 30, 2, 7, 111, 28, 17, 0, 46, 28, 7, 16, 24, 30, 34, 0, 13, 24, 4, 5, 121, 30, 4, 14, 47, 28, 11, 14, 24, 30, 16, 14, 15, 30, 6, 4, 117, 30, 6, 14, 45, 28, 11, 16, 24, 30, 30, 2, 16, 30, 8, 4, 106, 26, 8, 13, 47, 28, 7, 22, 24, 30, 22, 13, 15, 30, 10, 2, 114, 28, 19, 4, 46, 28, 28, 6, 22, 28, 33, 4, 16, 30, 8, 4, 122, 30, 22, 3, 45, 28, 8, 26, 23, 30, 12, 28, 15, 30, 3, 10, 117, 30, 3, 23, 45, 28, 4, 31, 24, 30, 11, 31, 15, 30, 7, 7, 116, 30, 21, 7, 45, 28, 1, 37, 23, 30, 19, 26, 15, 30, 5, 10, 115, 30, 19, 10, 47, 28, 15, 25, 24, 30, 23, 25, 15, 30, 13, 3, 115, 30, 2, 29, 46, 28, 42, 1, 24, 30, 23, 28, 15, 30, 17, 0, 115, 30, 10, 23, 46, 28, 10, 35, 24, 30, 19, 35, 15, 30, 17, 1, 115, 30, 14, 21, 46, 28, 29, 19, 24, 30, 11, 46, 15, 30, 13, 6, 115, 30, 14, 23, 46, 28, 44, 7, 24, 30, 59, 1, 16, 30, 12, 7, 121, 30, 12, 26, 47, 28, 39, 14, 24, 30, 22, 41, 15, 30, 6, 14, 121, 30, 6, 34, 47, 28, 46, 10, 24, 30, 2, 64, 15, 30, 17, 4, 122, 30, 29, 14, 46, 28, 49, 10, 24, 30, 24, 46, 15, 30, 4, 18, 122, 30, 13, 32, 46, 28, 48, 14, 24, 30, 42, 32, 15, 30, 20, 4, 117, 30, 40, 7, 47, 28, 43, 22, 24, 30, 10, 67, 15, 30, 19, 6, 118, 30, 18, 31, 47, 28, 34, 34, 24, 30, 20, 61, 15, 30], f2 = [255, 0, 1, 25, 2, 50, 26, 198, 3, 223, 51, 238, 27, 104, 199, 75, 4, 100, 224, 14, 52, 141, 239, 129, 28, 193, 105, 248, 200, 8, 76, 113, 5, 138, 101, 47, 225, 36, 15, 33, 53, 147, 142, 218, 240, 18, 130, 69, 29, 181, 194, 125, 106, 39, 249, 185, 201, 154, 9, 120, 77, 228, 114, 166, 6, 191, 139, 98, 102, 221, 48, 253, 226, 152, 37, 179, 16, 145, 34, 136, 54, 208, 148, 206, 143, 150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 19, 92, 131, 56, 70, 64, 30, 66, 182, 163, 195, 72, 126, 110, 107, 58, 40, 84, 250, 133, 186, 61, 202, 94, 155, 159, 10, 21, 121, 43, 78, 212, 229, 172, 115, 243, 167, 87, 7, 112, 192, 247, 140, 128, 99, 13, 103, 74, 222, 237, 49, 197, 254, 24, 227, 165, 153, 119, 38, 184, 180, 124, 17, 68, 146, 217, 35, 32, 137, 46, 55, 63, 209, 91, 149, 188, 207, 205, 144, 135, 151, 178, 220, 252, 190, 97, 242, 86, 211, 171, 20, 42, 93, 158, 132, 60, 57, 83, 71, 109, 65, 162, 31, 45, 67, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196, 23, 73, 236, 127, 12, 111, 246, 108, 161, 59, 82, 41, 157, 85, 170, 251, 96, 134, 177, 187, 204, 62, 90, 203, 89, 95, 176, 156, 169, 160, 81, 11, 245, 22, 235, 122, 117, 44, 215, 79, 174, 213, 233, 230, 231, 173, 232, 116, 214, 244, 234, 168, 80, 88, 175], l2 = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 29, 58, 116, 232, 205, 135, 19, 38, 76, 152, 45, 90, 180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 157, 39, 78, 156, 37, 74, 148, 53, 106, 212, 181, 119, 238, 193, 159, 35, 70, 140, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 93, 186, 105, 210, 185, 111, 222, 161, 95, 190, 97, 194, 153, 47, 94, 188, 101, 202, 137, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 253, 231, 211, 187, 107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225, 223, 163, 91, 182, 113, 226, 217, 175, 67, 134, 17, 34, 68, 136, 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 189, 103, 206, 129, 31, 62, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147, 59, 118, 236, 197, 151, 51, 102, 204, 133, 23, 46, 92, 184, 109, 218, 169, 79, 158, 33, 66, 132, 21, 42, 84, 168, 77, 154, 41, 82, 164, 85, 170, 73, 146, 57, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115, 230, 209, 191, 99, 198, 145, 63, 126, 252, 229, 215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227, 219, 171, 75, 150, 49, 98, 196, 149, 55, 110, 220, 165, 87, 174, 65, 130, 25, 50, 100, 200, 141, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, 221, 167, 83, 166, 81, 162, 89, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195, 155, 43, 86, 172, 69, 138, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 61, 122, 244, 245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 125, 250, 233, 207, 131, 27, 54, 108, 216, 173, 71, 142, 0], d2 = [], u2 = [], p2 = [], g2 = [], v2 = [], y2 = 2;
function x2(t3, e3) {
var i3;
t3 > e3 && (i3 = t3, t3 = e3, e3 = i3), i3 = e3, i3 *= e3, i3 += e3, i3 >>= 1, g2[i3 += t3] = 1;
function b2(t3, i3) {
var n3;
for (p2[t3 + e2 * i3] = 1, n3 = -2; n3 < 2; n3++)
p2[t3 + n3 + e2 * (i3 - 2)] = 1, p2[t3 - 2 + e2 * (i3 + n3 + 1)] = 1, p2[t3 + 2 + e2 * (i3 + n3)] = 1, p2[t3 + n3 + 1 + e2 * (i3 + 2)] = 1;
for (n3 = 0; n3 < 2; n3++)
x2(t3 - 1, i3 + n3), x2(t3 + 1, i3 - n3), x2(t3 - n3, i3 - 1), x2(t3 + n3, i3 + 1);
function w2(t3) {
for (; t3 >= 255; )
t3 = ((t3 -= 255) >> 8) + (255 & t3);
return t3;
var m2 = [];
function S2(t3, e3, i3, n3) {
var r3, o3, s3;
for (r3 = 0; r3 < n3; r3++)
d2[i3 + r3] = 0;
for (r3 = 0; r3 < e3; r3++) {
if (255 != (s3 = f2[d2[t3 + r3] ^ d2[i3]]))
for (o3 = 1; o3 < n3; o3++)
d2[i3 + o3 - 1] = d2[i3 + o3] ^ l2[w2(s3 + m2[n3 - o3])];
for (o3 = i3; o3 < i3 + n3; o3++)
d2[o3] = d2[o3 + 1];
d2[i3 + n3 - 1] = 255 == s3 ? 0 : l2[w2(s3 + m2[0])];
function z2(t3, e3) {
var i3;
return t3 > e3 && (i3 = t3, t3 = e3, e3 = i3), i3 = e3, i3 += e3 * e3, i3 >>= 1, g2[i3 += t3];
function I2(t3) {
var i3, n3, r3, o3;
switch (t3) {
case 0:
for (n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++)
for (i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++)
i3 + n3 & 1 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 1:
for (n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++)
for (i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++)
1 & n3 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 2:
for (n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++)
for (r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0), r3 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 3:
for (o3 = 0, n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++, o3++)
for (3 == o3 && (o3 = 0), r3 = o3, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0), r3 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 4:
for (n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++)
for (r3 = 0, o3 = n3 >> 1 & 1, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0, o3 = !o3), o3 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 5:
for (o3 = 0, n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++, o3++)
for (3 == o3 && (o3 = 0), r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0), (i3 & n3 & 1) + !(!r3 | !o3) || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 6:
for (o3 = 0, n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++, o3++)
for (3 == o3 && (o3 = 0), r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0), (i3 & n3 & 1) + (r3 && r3 == o3) & 1 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
case 7:
for (o3 = 0, n3 = 0; n3 < e2; n3++, o3++)
for (3 == o3 && (o3 = 0), r3 = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++, r3++)
3 == r3 && (r3 = 0), (r3 && r3 == o3) + (i3 + n3 & 1) & 1 || z2(i3, n3) || (p2[i3 + n3 * e2] ^= 1);
function M2(t3) {
var e3, i3 = 0;
for (e3 = 0; e3 <= t3; e3++)
v2[e3] >= 5 && (i3 += 3 + v2[e3] - 5);
for (e3 = 3; e3 < t3 - 1; e3 += 2)
v2[e3 - 2] == v2[e3 + 2] && v2[e3 + 2] == v2[e3 - 1] && v2[e3 - 1] == v2[e3 + 1] && 3 * v2[e3 - 1] == v2[e3] && (0 == v2[e3 - 3] || e3 + 3 > t3 || 3 * v2[e3 - 3] >= 4 * v2[e3] || 3 * v2[e3 + 3] >= 4 * v2[e3]) && (i3 += 40);
return i3;
function k() {
var t3, i3, n3, r3, o3, s3 = 0, a3 = 0;
for (i3 = 0; i3 < e2 - 1; i3++)
for (t3 = 0; t3 < e2 - 1; t3++)
(p2[t3 + e2 * i3] && p2[t3 + 1 + e2 * i3] && p2[t3 + e2 * (i3 + 1)] && p2[t3 + 1 + e2 * (i3 + 1)] || !(p2[t3 + e2 * i3] || p2[t3 + 1 + e2 * i3] || p2[t3 + e2 * (i3 + 1)] || p2[t3 + 1 + e2 * (i3 + 1)])) && (s3 += 3);
for (i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++) {
for (v2[0] = 0, n3 = r3 = t3 = 0; t3 < e2; t3++)
(o3 = p2[t3 + e2 * i3]) == r3 ? v2[n3]++ : v2[++n3] = 1, a3 += (r3 = o3) ? 1 : -1;
s3 += M2(n3);
a3 < 0 && (a3 = -a3);
var h3 = a3, c3 = 0;
for (h3 += h3 << 2, h3 <<= 1; h3 > e2 * e2; )
h3 -= e2 * e2, c3++;
for (s3 += 10 * c3, t3 = 0; t3 < e2; t3++) {
for (v2[0] = 0, n3 = r3 = i3 = 0; i3 < e2; i3++)
(o3 = p2[t3 + e2 * i3]) == r3 ? v2[n3]++ : v2[++n3] = 1, r3 = o3;
s3 += M2(n3);
return s3;
var B2 = null;
return { api: { get ecclevel() {
return y2;
}, set ecclevel(t3) {
y2 = t3;
}, get size() {
return _size;
}, set size(t3) {
_size = t3;
}, get canvas() {
return B2;
}, set canvas(t3) {
B2 = t3;
}, getFrame: function(v3) {
return function(v4) {
var M3, B3, W2, P2, O2, T2, L2, R2;
P2 = v4.length, t2 = 0;
do {
if (t2++, W2 = 4 * (y2 - 1) + 16 * (t2 - 1), i2 = c2[W2++], n2 = c2[W2++], r2 = c2[W2++], o2 = c2[W2], P2 <= (W2 = r2 * (i2 + n2) + n2 - 3 + (t2 <= 9)))
} while (t2 < 40);
for (e2 = 17 + 4 * t2, O2 = r2 + (r2 + o2) * (i2 + n2) + n2, P2 = 0; P2 < O2; P2++)
u2[P2] = 0;
for (d2 = v4.slice(0), P2 = 0; P2 < e2 * e2; P2++)
p2[P2] = 0;
for (P2 = 0; P2 < (e2 * (e2 + 1) + 1) / 2; P2++)
g2[P2] = 0;
for (P2 = 0; P2 < 3; P2++) {
for (W2 = 0, B3 = 0, 1 == P2 && (W2 = e2 - 7), 2 == P2 && (B3 = e2 - 7), p2[B3 + 3 + e2 * (W2 + 3)] = 1, M3 = 0; M3 < 6; M3++)
p2[B3 + M3 + e2 * W2] = 1, p2[B3 + e2 * (W2 + M3 + 1)] = 1, p2[B3 + 6 + e2 * (W2 + M3)] = 1, p2[B3 + M3 + 1 + e2 * (W2 + 6)] = 1;
for (M3 = 1; M3 < 5; M3++)
x2(B3 + M3, W2 + 1), x2(B3 + 1, W2 + M3 + 1), x2(B3 + 5, W2 + M3), x2(B3 + M3 + 1, W2 + 5);
for (M3 = 2; M3 < 4; M3++)
p2[B3 + M3 + e2 * (W2 + 2)] = 1, p2[B3 + 2 + e2 * (W2 + M3 + 1)] = 1, p2[B3 + 4 + e2 * (W2 + M3)] = 1, p2[B3 + M3 + 1 + e2 * (W2 + 4)] = 1;
if (t2 > 1)
for (P2 = s2[t2], B3 = e2 - 7; ; ) {
for (M3 = e2 - 7; M3 > P2 - 3 && (b2(M3, B3), !(M3 < P2)); )
M3 -= P2;
if (B3 <= P2 + 9)
b2(6, B3 -= P2), b2(B3, 6);
for (p2[8 + e2 * (e2 - 8)] = 1, B3 = 0; B3 < 7; B3++)
x2(7, B3), x2(e2 - 8, B3), x2(7, B3 + e2 - 7);
for (M3 = 0; M3 < 8; M3++)
x2(M3, 7), x2(M3 + e2 - 8, 7), x2(M3, e2 - 8);
for (M3 = 0; M3 < 9; M3++)
x2(M3, 8);
for (M3 = 0; M3 < 8; M3++)
x2(M3 + e2 - 8, 8), x2(8, M3);
for (B3 = 0; B3 < 7; B3++)
x2(8, B3 + e2 - 7);
for (M3 = 0; M3 < e2 - 14; M3++)
1 & M3 ? (x2(8 + M3, 6), x2(6, 8 + M3)) : (p2[8 + M3 + 6 * e2] = 1, p2[6 + e2 * (8 + M3)] = 1);
if (t2 > 6)
for (P2 = a2[t2 - 7], W2 = 17, M3 = 0; M3 < 6; M3++)
for (B3 = 0; B3 < 3; B3++, W2--)
1 & (W2 > 11 ? t2 >> W2 - 12 : P2 >> W2) ? (p2[5 - M3 + e2 * (2 - B3 + e2 - 11)] = 1, p2[2 - B3 + e2 - 11 + e2 * (5 - M3)] = 1) : (x2(5 - M3, 2 - B3 + e2 - 11), x2(2 - B3 + e2 - 11, 5 - M3));
for (B3 = 0; B3 < e2; B3++)
for (M3 = 0; M3 <= B3; M3++)
p2[M3 + e2 * B3] && x2(M3, B3);
for (O2 = d2.length, T2 = 0; T2 < O2; T2++)
u2[T2] = d2.charCodeAt(T2);
if (d2 = u2.slice(0), O2 >= (M3 = r2 * (i2 + n2) + n2) - 2 && (O2 = M3 - 2, t2 > 9 && O2--), T2 = O2, t2 > 9) {
for (d2[T2 + 2] = 0, d2[T2 + 3] = 0; T2--; )
P2 = d2[T2], d2[T2 + 3] |= 255 & P2 << 4, d2[T2 + 2] = P2 >> 4;
d2[2] |= 255 & O2 << 4, d2[1] = O2 >> 4, d2[0] = 64 | O2 >> 12;
} else {
for (d2[T2 + 1] = 0, d2[T2 + 2] = 0; T2--; )
P2 = d2[T2], d2[T2 + 2] |= 255 & P2 << 4, d2[T2 + 1] = P2 >> 4;
d2[1] |= 255 & O2 << 4, d2[0] = 64 | O2 >> 4;
for (T2 = O2 + 3 - (t2 < 10); T2 < M3; )
d2[T2++] = 236, d2[T2++] = 17;
for (m2[0] = 1, T2 = 0; T2 < o2; T2++) {
for (m2[T2 + 1] = 1, L2 = T2; L2 > 0; L2--)
m2[L2] = m2[L2] ? m2[L2 - 1] ^ l2[w2(f2[m2[L2]] + T2)] : m2[L2 - 1];
m2[0] = l2[w2(f2[m2[0]] + T2)];
for (T2 = 0; T2 <= o2; T2++)
m2[T2] = f2[m2[T2]];
for (W2 = M3, B3 = 0, T2 = 0; T2 < i2; T2++)
S2(B3, r2, W2, o2), B3 += r2, W2 += o2;
for (T2 = 0; T2 < n2; T2++)
S2(B3, r2 + 1, W2, o2), B3 += r2 + 1, W2 += o2;
for (B3 = 0, T2 = 0; T2 < r2; T2++) {
for (L2 = 0; L2 < i2; L2++)
u2[B3++] = d2[T2 + L2 * r2];
for (L2 = 0; L2 < n2; L2++)
u2[B3++] = d2[i2 * r2 + T2 + L2 * (r2 + 1)];
for (L2 = 0; L2 < n2; L2++)
u2[B3++] = d2[i2 * r2 + T2 + L2 * (r2 + 1)];
for (T2 = 0; T2 < o2; T2++)
for (L2 = 0; L2 < i2 + n2; L2++)
u2[B3++] = d2[M3 + T2 + L2 * o2];
for (d2 = u2, M3 = B3 = e2 - 1, W2 = O2 = 1, R2 = (r2 + o2) * (i2 + n2) + n2, T2 = 0; T2 < R2; T2++)
for (P2 = d2[T2], L2 = 0; L2 < 8; L2++, P2 <<= 1) {
128 & P2 && (p2[M3 + e2 * B3] = 1);
do {
O2 ? M3-- : (M3++, W2 ? 0 != B3 ? B3-- : (W2 = !W2, 6 == (M3 -= 2) && (M3--, B3 = 9)) : B3 != e2 - 1 ? B3++ : (W2 = !W2, 6 == (M3 -= 2) && (M3--, B3 -= 8))), O2 = !O2;
} while (z2(M3, B3));
for (d2 = p2.slice(0), P2 = 0, B3 = 3e4, W2 = 0; W2 < 8 && (I2(W2), (M3 = k()) < B3 && (B3 = M3, P2 = W2), 7 != P2); W2++)
p2 = d2.slice(0);
for (P2 != W2 && I2(P2), B3 = h2[P2 + (y2 - 1 << 3)], W2 = 0; W2 < 8; W2++, B3 >>= 1)
1 & B3 && (p2[e2 - 1 - W2 + 8 * e2] = 1, W2 < 6 ? p2[8 + e2 * W2] = 1 : p2[8 + e2 * (W2 + 1)] = 1);
for (W2 = 0; W2 < 7; W2++, B3 >>= 1)
1 & B3 && (p2[8 + e2 * (e2 - 7 + W2)] = 1, W2 ? p2[6 - W2 + 8 * e2] = 1 : p2[7 + 8 * e2] = 1);
return p2;
}, utf16to8: function(t3) {
var e3, i3, n3, r3;
for (e3 = "", n3 = t3.length, i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++)
(r3 = t3.charCodeAt(i3)) >= 1 && r3 <= 127 ? e3 += t3.charAt(i3) : r3 > 2047 ? (e3 += String.fromCharCode(224 | r3 >> 12 & 15), e3 += String.fromCharCode(128 | r3 >> 6 & 63), e3 += String.fromCharCode(128 | r3 >> 0 & 63)) : (e3 += String.fromCharCode(192 | r3 >> 6 & 31), e3 += String.fromCharCode(128 | r3 >> 0 & 63));
return e3;
}, draw: function(t3, i3, n3, r3, o3) {
i3.drawView(n3, r3);
var s3 = i3.ctx, a3 = n3.contentSize, h3 = a3.width, c3 = a3.height, f3 = a3.left, l3 =;
r3.borderRadius, r3.backgroundColor;
var d3 = r3.color, u3 = void 0 === d3 ? "#000000" : d3;
r3.border, n3.contentSize.left, n3.borderSize.left,,;
if (y2 = o3 || y2, s3) {, i3.setOpacity(r3), i3.setTransform(n3, r3);
var p3 = Math.min(h3, c3);
t3 = this.utf16to8(t3);
var g3 = this.getFrame(t3), v3 = p3 / e2;
for (var x3 = 0; x3 < e2; x3++)
for (var b3 = 0; b3 < e2; b3++)
g3[b3 * e2 + x3] && s3.fillRect(f3 + v3 * x3, l3 + v3 * b3, v3, v3);
s3.restore(), i3.setBorder(n3, r3);
} else
console.warn("No canvas provided to draw QR code in!");
} } };
}(), vt = p, yt = u, xt = g, bt = d, wt = f.TOP, mt = f.MIDDLE, St = f.BOTTOM, zt = l.LEFT, It = l.CENTER, Mt = l.RIGHT, kt = function() {
function r2(t2) {
var e2, i2, r3 = this;
this.v = "", = null, this.pixelRatio = 1, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.sleep = 1e3 / 30, this.count = 0, this.isRate = false, this.isDraw = true, this.isCache = true, this.fixed = "", this.useCORS = false, this.performance = false, this.imageBus = [], this.createImage = function(t3, e3) {
return new Promise(function(i3, n2) {
var o3 = null;
window || r3.canvas.createImage ? (o3 = r3.canvas && r3.canvas.createImage ? r3.canvas.createImage() : new Image(), e3 && o3.setAttribute("crossOrigin", "Anonymous"), o3.src = t3, o3.onload = function() {
i3({ width: o3.naturalWidth || o3.width, height: o3.naturalHeight || o3.height, path: o3, src: this.src });
}, o3.onerror = function(t4) {
}) : n2({ fail: "getImageInfo fail", src: t3 });
}, this.options = t2, Object.assign(this, t2), this.ctx = (e2 = t2.context, i2 = { get: function(t3, i3) {
if ("setFonts" === i3)
return function(t4) {
var i4 = t4.fontFamily, r4 = void 0 === i4 ? "sans-serif" : i4, o3 = t4.fontSize, s2 = void 0 === o3 ? 14 : o3, a2 = t4.fontWeight, h2 = void 0 === a2 ? "normal" : a2, c2 = t4.fontStyle, f2 = void 0 === c2 ? "normal" : c2;
I == n.MP_TOUTIAO && (h2 = "bold" == h2 ? "bold" : "", f2 = "italic" == f2 ? "italic" : ""), e2.font = "".concat(f2, " ").concat(h2, " ").concat(Math.round(s2), "px ").concat(r4);
if (!e2.draw || !e2.setFillStyle) {
if ("setFillStyle" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.fillStyle = t4;
if ("setStrokeStyle" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.strokeStyle = t4;
if ("setLineWidth" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.lineWidth = t4;
if ("setLineCap" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.lineCap = t4;
if ("setFontSize" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.font = "".concat(String(t4), "px sans-serif");
if ("setGlobalAlpha" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.globalAlpha = t4;
if ("setLineJoin" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.lineJoin = t4;
if ("setTextAlign" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.textAlign = t4;
if ("setMiterLimit" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.miterLimit = t4;
if ("setShadow" === i3)
return function(t4, i4, n2, r4) {
e2.shadowOffsetX = t4, e2.shadowOffsetY = i4, e2.shadowBlur = n2, e2.shadowColor = r4;
if ("setTextBaseline" === i3)
return function(t4) {
e2.textBaseline = t4;
if ("createCircularGradient" === i3)
return function() {
if ("draw" === i3)
return function() {
if ("function" == typeof e2[i3])
return function() {
for (var t4 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < arguments.length; n2++)
t4[n2] = arguments[n2];
return e2[i3].apply(e2, t4);
return t3[i3];
}, set: function(t3, i3, n2) {
return e2[i3] = n2, true;
} }, new Proxy(e2, i2)), this.progress = 0, this.root = { width: t2.width, height: t2.height, fontSizeRate: 1, fixedLine: null }, this.size = this.root;
var o2 = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "progress", { configurable: true, set: function(t3) {
o2 = t3, r3.lifecycle("onProgress", t3 / r3.count);
}, get: function() {
return o2 || 0;
} });
return r2.prototype.lifecycle = function(t2, e2) {
this.options.listen && this.options.listen[t2] && this.options.listen[t2](e2);
}, r2.prototype.setContext = function(t2) {
t2 && (this.ctx = t2);
}, r2.prototype.init = function() {
if (this.canvas.height || n.WEB == I) {
this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
var t2 = this.size.height * this.pixelRatio, e2 = this.size.width * this.pixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = t2, this.canvas.width = e2, this.ctx.scale(this.pixelRatio, this.pixelRatio);
}, r2.prototype.clear = function() {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height);
}, r2.prototype.clipPath = function(t2, e2, i2, n2, r3, o2, s2) {
void 0 === o2 && (o2 = false), void 0 === s2 && (s2 = false);
var a2 = this.ctx;
if (/polygon/.test(r3)) {
var h2 = r3.match(/-?\d+(rpx|px|%)?\s+-?\d+(rpx|px|%)?/g) || [];
a2.beginPath(), {
var o3 = r4.split(" "), s3 = o3[0], a3 = o3[1];
return [W(s3, i2) + t2, W(a3, n2) + e2];
}).forEach(function(t3, e3) {
0 == e3 ? a2.moveTo(t3[0], t3[1]) : a2.lineTo(t3[0], t3[1]);
}), a2.closePath(), s2 && a2.stroke(), o2 && a2.fill();
}, r2.prototype.roundRect = function(t2, e2, i2, n2, r3, o2, s2) {
if (void 0 === o2 && (o2 = false), void 0 === s2 && (s2 = false), !(r3 < 0)) {
var a2 = this.ctx;
if (a2.beginPath(), r3) {
var h2 = r3 || {}, c2 = h2.borderTopLeftRadius, f2 = void 0 === c2 ? r3 || 0 : c2, l2 = h2.borderTopRightRadius, d2 = void 0 === l2 ? r3 || 0 : l2, u2 = h2.borderBottomRightRadius, p2 = void 0 === u2 ? r3 || 0 : u2, g2 = h2.borderBottomLeftRadius, v2 = void 0 === g2 ? r3 || 0 : g2;
a2.arc(t2 + i2 - p2, e2 + n2 - p2, p2, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI), a2.lineTo(t2 + v2, e2 + n2), a2.arc(t2 + v2, e2 + n2 - v2, v2, 0.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI), a2.lineTo(t2, e2 + f2), a2.arc(t2 + f2, e2 + f2, f2, Math.PI, 1.5 * Math.PI), a2.lineTo(t2 + i2 - d2, e2), a2.arc(t2 + i2 - d2, e2 + d2, d2, 1.5 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI), a2.lineTo(t2 + i2, e2 + n2 - p2);
} else
a2.rect(t2, e2, i2, n2);
a2.closePath(), s2 && a2.stroke(), o2 && a2.fill();
}, r2.prototype.setTransform = function(t2, e2) {
var i2 = e2.transform, n2 = e2.transformOrigin, r3 = this.ctx, o2 = i2 || {}, s2 = o2.scaleX, a2 = void 0 === s2 ? 1 : s2, h2 = o2.scaleY, c2 = void 0 === h2 ? 1 : h2, f2 = o2.translateX, l2 = void 0 === f2 ? 0 : f2, d2 = o2.translateY, u2 = void 0 === d2 ? 0 : d2, p2 = o2.rotate, g2 = void 0 === p2 ? 0 : p2, v2 = o2.skewX, y2 = void 0 === v2 ? 0 : v2, x2 = o2.skewY, b2 = void 0 === x2 ? 0 : x2, w2 = t2.left, m2 =, S2 = t2.width, z2 = t2.height;
l2 = W(l2, S2) || 0, u2 = W(u2, z2) || 0;
var I2 = W("0%", 1), M2 = W("50%", 1), k = W("100%", 1), P2 = { top: I2, center: M2, bottom: k }, O2 = { left: I2, center: M2, right: k };
if (n2 = n2.split(" ").filter(function(t3, e3) {
return e3 < 2;
}).reduce(function(t3, e3) {
if (/\d+/.test(e3)) {
var i3 = W(e3, 1) / (/px|rpx$/.test(e3) ? B(t3.x) ? z2 : S2 : 1);
return B(t3.x) ? Object.assign(t3, { y: i3 }) : Object.assign(t3, { x: i3 });
return B(O2[e3]) && !B(t3.x) ? Object.assign(t3, { x: O2[e3] }) : Object.assign(t3, { y: P2[e3] || 0.5 });
}, {}), (l2 || u2) && r3.translate(l2, u2), (a2 || c2) && r3.scale(a2, c2), g2) {
var T2 = w2 + S2 * n2.x, L2 = m2 + z2 * n2.y;
r3.translate(T2, L2), r3.rotate(g2 * Math.PI / 180), r3.translate(-T2, -L2);
(y2 || b2) && r3.transform(1, Math.tan(b2 * Math.PI / 180), Math.tan(y2 * Math.PI / 180), 1, 0, 0);
}, r2.prototype.setBackground = function(t2, e2, i2, r3, o2) {
var s2 = this.ctx;
t2 && "transparent" != t2 ? O(t2) ? T(t2, e2, i2, r3, o2, s2) : s2.setFillStyle(t2) : [n.MP_TOUTIAO, n.MP_BAIDU].includes(I) ? s2.setFillStyle("rgba(0,0,0,0)") : s2.setFillStyle("transparent");
}, r2.prototype.setShadow = function(t2) {
var e2 = t2.boxShadow, i2 = void 0 === e2 ? [] : e2, n2 = this.ctx;
if (i2.length) {
var r3 = i2[0], o2 = i2[1], s2 = i2[2], a2 = i2[3];
n2.setShadow(r3, o2, s2, a2);
}, r2.prototype.setBorder = function(t2, e2) {
var i2 = this.ctx, n2 = t2.width, r3 = t2.height, o2 = t2.left, s2 =, a2 = e2.border, h2 = e2.borderBottom, c2 = e2.borderTop, f2 = e2.borderRight, l2 = e2.borderLeft, d2 = e2.borderRadius, u2 = e2.lineCap, p2 = a2 || {}, g2 = p2.borderWidth, v2 = void 0 === g2 ? 0 : g2, y2 = p2.borderStyle, x2 = p2.borderColor, b2 = h2 || {}, w2 = b2.borderBottomWidth, m2 = void 0 === w2 ? v2 : w2, S2 = b2.borderBottomStyle, z2 = void 0 === S2 ? y2 : S2, M2 = b2.borderBottomColor, k = void 0 === M2 ? x2 : M2, B2 = c2 || {}, W2 = B2.borderTopWidth, P2 = void 0 === W2 ? v2 : W2, O2 = B2.borderTopStyle, T2 = void 0 === O2 ? y2 : O2, L2 = B2.borderTopColor, R2 = void 0 === L2 ? x2 : L2, F2 = f2 || {}, A2 = F2.borderRightWidth, j2 = void 0 === A2 ? v2 : A2, E2 = F2.borderRightStyle, C2 = void 0 === E2 ? y2 : E2, H2 = F2.borderRightColor, D2 = void 0 === H2 ? x2 : H2, Y2 = l2 || {}, $2 = Y2.borderLeftWidth, U2 = void 0 === $2 ? v2 : $2, N2 = Y2.borderLeftStyle, X2 = void 0 === N2 ? y2 : N2, _2 = Y2.borderLeftColor, q2 = void 0 === _2 ? x2 : _2, G2 = d2 || {}, V2 = G2.borderTopLeftRadius, J2 = void 0 === V2 ? d2 || 0 : V2, Q2 = G2.borderTopRightRadius, Z2 = void 0 === Q2 ? d2 || 0 : Q2, K2 = G2.borderBottomRightRadius, tt2 = void 0 === K2 ? d2 || 0 : K2, et2 = G2.borderBottomLeftRadius, it2 = void 0 === et2 ? d2 || 0 : et2;
if (h2 || l2 || c2 || f2 || a2) {
var nt2 = function(t3, e3, n3) {
"dashed" == e3 ? /mp/.test(I) ? i2.setLineDash([Math.ceil(4 * t3 / 3), Math.ceil(4 * t3 / 3)]) : i2.setLineDash([Math.ceil(6 * t3), Math.ceil(6 * t3)]) : "dotted" == e3 && i2.setLineDash([t3, t3]), i2.setStrokeStyle(n3);
}, rt2 = function(t3, e3, n3, r4, o3, s3, a3, h3, c3, f3, l3, d3, p3, g3, v3) {, i2.setLineCap(v3 ? "square" : u2), i2.setLineWidth(d3), nt2(d3, p3, g3), i2.beginPath(), i2.arc(t3, e3, a3, Math.PI * c3, Math.PI * f3), i2.lineTo(n3, r4), i2.arc(o3, s3, h3, Math.PI * f3, Math.PI * l3), i2.stroke(), i2.restore();
if (, a2 && !h2 && !l2 && !c2 && !f2)
return i2.setLineWidth(v2), nt2(v2, y2, x2), this.roundRect(o2, s2, n2, r3, d2, false, !!x2), void i2.restore();
m2 && rt2(o2 + n2 - tt2, s2 + r3 - tt2, o2 + it2, s2 + r3, o2 + it2, s2 + r3 - it2, tt2, it2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, m2, z2, k, U2 && j2), U2 && rt2(o2 + it2, s2 + r3 - it2, o2, s2 + J2, o2 + J2, s2 + J2, it2, J2, 0.75, 1, 1.25, U2, X2, q2, P2 && m2), P2 && rt2(o2 + J2, s2 + J2, o2 + n2 - Z2, s2, o2 + n2 - Z2, s2 + Z2, J2, Z2, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, P2, T2, R2, U2 && j2), j2 && rt2(o2 + n2 - Z2, s2 + Z2, o2 + n2, s2 + r3 - tt2, o2 + n2 - tt2, s2 + r3 - tt2, Z2, tt2, 1.75, 2, 0.25, j2, C2, D2, P2 && m2);
}, r2.prototype.setOpacity = function(t2) {
var e2 = t2.opacity, i2 = void 0 === e2 ? 1 : e2;
}, r2.prototype.drawPattern = function(t2, n2, r3) {
return e(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e2 = this;
return i(this, function(i2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(i3, o2) {
e2.drawView(n2, r3, true, false, true);
var s2 = e2, a2 = s2.ctx;
var h2 = n2.width, c2 = n2.height, f2 = n2.left, l2 =, d2 = r3 || {}, u2 = d2.borderRadius, p2 = void 0 === u2 ? 0 : u2, g2 = d2.backgroundImage, v2 = d2.backgroundRepeat, y2 = void 0 === v2 ? "repeat" : v2;
g2 && function(t3) {
var o3 = a2.createPattern(t3.src, y2);
a2.setFillStyle(o3), e2.roundRect(f2, l2, h2, c2, p2, true, false), e2.setBorder(n2, r3), i3();
}, r2.prototype.drawView = function(t2, e2, i2, n2, r3) {
void 0 === i2 && (i2 = true), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = true), void 0 === r3 && (r3 = true);
var o2 = this.ctx, s2 = t2.width, a2 = t2.height, h2 = t2.left, c2 =, f2 = e2 || {}, l2 = f2.borderRadius, d2 = void 0 === l2 ? 0 : l2, u2 = f2.backgroundColor, p2 = void 0 === u2 ? "transparent" : u2, g2 = f2.overflow;
e2.opacity && this.setOpacity(e2), this.setTransform(t2, e2), r3 && (, this.setShadow(e2)), i2 && this.setBackground(p2, s2, a2, h2, c2), e2.clipPath ? this.clipPath(h2, c2, s2, a2, e2.clipPath, i2, false) : this.roundRect(h2, c2, s2, a2, d2, i2, false), r3 && o2.restore(), n2 && this.setBorder(t2, e2), "hidden" == g2 && o2.clip();
}, r2.prototype.drawImage = function(t2, r3, o2, s2) {
return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = {}), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = {}), void 0 === s2 && (s2 = true), e(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var a2 = this;
return i(this, function(h2) {
switch (h2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, new Promise(function(h3, c2) {
return e(a2, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e2, a3, c3, f2, l2, d2, u2, p2, g2, v2, y2, x2, b2, w2, m2, S2, z2, M2, k, O2, T2, L2 = this;
return i(this, function(i2) {
return e2 = this.ctx, a3 = o2.borderRadius, c3 = void 0 === a3 ? 0 : a3, f2 = o2.backgroundColor, l2 = void 0 === f2 ? "transparent" : f2, d2 = o2.objectFit, u2 = void 0 === d2 ? "fill" : d2, p2 = o2.backgroundSize, g2 = void 0 === p2 ? "fill" : p2, v2 = o2.objectPosition, y2 = o2.backgroundPosition, x2 = o2.boxShadow, o2.backgroundImage && (u2 = g2, v2 = y2), x2 && this.drawView(r3, Object.assign(o2, { backgroundColor: l2 || x2 && (l2 || "#ffffff") }), true, false, true), b2 = r3.width, w2 = r3.height, m2 = r3.left, S2 =,, z2 = r3.contentSize.left - r3.borderSize.left, M2 = -, s2 || (this.setOpacity(o2), this.setTransform(r3, o2), this.setBackground(l2, b2, w2, m2, S2), this.roundRect(m2, S2, b2, w2, c3, !!(c3 || !x2 && l2), false)), m2 += z2, S2 += M2, e2.clip(), k = function(t3) {
if ("fill" !== u2) {
var i3 = function(t4, e3, i4) {
var n2 = t4.objectFit, r4 = t4.objectPosition, o4 = e3.width / e3.height, s4 = i4.width / i4.height, a5 = 1, h5 = "contain", c5 = "cover";
n2 == h5 && o4 >= s4 || n2 == c5 && o4 < s4 ? a5 = e3.height / i4.height : (n2 == h5 && o4 < s4 || n2 == c5 && o4 >= s4) && (a5 = e3.width / i4.width);
var f4 = i4.width * a5, l4 = i4.height * a5, d4 = r4 || [], u3 = d4[0], p3 = d4[1], g3 = B(u3) ? W(u3, e3.width) : (e3.width - f4) * (P(u3) ? W(u3, 1) : { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[u3 || "center"]), v3 = B(p3) ? W(p3, e3.height) : (e3.height - l4) * (P(p3) ? W(p3, 1) : { top: 0, center: 0.5, bottom: 1 }[p3 || "center"]), y3 = function(t5, e4) {
return [(t5 - g3) / a5, (e4 - v3) / a5];
}, x3 = y3(0, 0), b3 = x3[0], w3 = x3[1], m3 = y3(e3.width, e3.height), S3 = m3[0], z3 = m3[1], I2 = Math.max, M3 = Math.min;
return { sx: I2(b3, 0), sy: I2(w3, 0), sw: M3(S3 - b3, i4.width), sh: M3(z3 - w3, i4.height), dx: I2(g3, 0), dy: I2(v3, 0), dw: M3(f4, e3.width), dh: M3(l4, e3.height) };
}({ objectFit: u2, objectPosition: v2 }, r3.contentSize, t3), o3 =, s3 =, a4 =, h4 = i3.sw, c4 = i3.dx, f3 = i3.dy, l3 = i3.dh, d3 = i3.dw;
I == n.MP_BAIDU ? e2.drawImage(t3.src, c4 + m2, f3 + S2, d3, l3, o3, s3, h4, a4) : e2.drawImage(t3.src, o3, s3, h4, a4, c4 + m2, f3 + S2, d3, l3);
} else
e2.drawImage(t3.src, m2, S2, b2, w2);
}, O2 = function() {
e2.restore(), L2.drawView(r3, o2, false, true, false), h3(1);
}, T2 = function(t3) {
k(t3), O2();
}, T2(t2), [2];
case 1:
return h2.sent(), [2];
}, r2.prototype.drawText = function(t2, e2, i2, n2) {
var r3 = this, o2 = this.ctx, s2 = e2.borderSize, a2 = e2.contentSize, h2 = e2.left, c2 =, f2 = a2.width, l2 = a2.height, d2 = a2.left - s2.left || 0, u2 = - || 0, p2 = i2.color, g2 = i2.lineHeight, v2 = i2.fontSize, y2 = i2.fontWeight, x2 = i2.fontFamily, b2 = i2.fontStyle, w2 = i2.textIndent, m2 = void 0 === w2 ? 0 : w2, S2 = i2.textAlign, z2 = i2.textStroke, I2 = i2.verticalAlign, M2 = void 0 === I2 ? mt : I2, k = i2.backgroundColor, P2 = i2.lineClamp, O2 = i2.backgroundClip, T2 = i2.textShadow, L2 = i2.textDecoration;
if (m2 = B(m2) ? m2 : 0, this.drawView(e2, i2, O2 != yt), g2 = W(g2, v2), t2) {, h2 += d2, c2 += u2;
var R2 = n2.fontHeight, F2 = n2.descent, A2 = void 0 === F2 ? 0 : F2, j2 = n2.ascent, E2 = A2 + (void 0 === j2 ? 0 : j2);
switch (o2.setFonts({ fontFamily: x2, fontSize: v2, fontWeight: y2, fontStyle: b2 }), o2.setTextBaseline(mt), o2.setTextAlign(S2), O2 ? this.setBackground(k, f2, l2, h2, c2) : o2.setFillStyle(p2), S2) {
case zt:
case It:
h2 += 0.5 * f2;
case Mt:
h2 += f2;
var C2 = n2.lines * g2, H2 = Math.ceil((l2 - C2) / 2);
switch (H2 < 0 && (H2 = 0), M2) {
case wt:
case mt:
c2 += H2;
case St:
c2 += 2 * H2;
var D2 = (g2 - R2) / 2, Y2 = g2 / 2, $2 = function(t3) {
var e3 = o2.measureText(t3), i3 = e3.actualBoundingBoxDescent, n3 = void 0 === i3 ? 0 : i3, r4 = e3.actualBoundingBoxAscent;
return M2 == wt ? { fix: E2 ? void 0 === r4 ? 0 : r4 : Y2 - D2 / 2, lineY: E2 ? 0 : D2 - D2 / 2 } : M2 == mt ? { fix: E2 ? Y2 + n3 / 4 : Y2, lineY: E2 ? 0 : D2 } : M2 == St ? { fix: E2 ? g2 - n3 : Y2 + D2 / 2, lineY: E2 ? 2 * D2 : D2 + D2 / 2 } : { fix: 0, height: 0, lineY: 0 };
}, U2 = function(t3, e3, i3) {
var r4 = t3;
switch (S2) {
case zt:
r4 += i3;
case It:
r4 = (t3 -= i3 / 2) + i3;
case Mt:
r4 = t3, t3 -= i3;
if (L2) {
o2.setLineWidth(v2 / 13), o2.beginPath();
var s3 = 0.1 * n2.fontHeight;
/\bunderline\b/.test(L2) && (o2.moveTo(t3, e3 + n2.fontHeight + s3), o2.lineTo(r4, e3 + n2.fontHeight + s3)), /\boverline\b/.test(L2) && (o2.moveTo(t3, e3 - s3), o2.lineTo(r4, e3 - s3)), /\bline-through\b/.test(L2) && (o2.moveTo(t3, e3 + 0.5 * n2.fontHeight), o2.lineTo(r4, e3 + 0.5 * n2.fontHeight)), o2.closePath(), o2.setStrokeStyle(p2), o2.stroke();
}, N2 = function(t3, e3, i3) {
var n3 = function() {
o2.setLineWidth(z2.width), o2.setStrokeStyle(z2.color), o2.strokeText(t3, e3, i3);
}, s3 = "outset";
z2 && z2.type !== s3 ? (, r3.setShadow({ boxShadow: T2 }), o2.fillText(t3, e3, i3), o2.restore(), n3()) : z2 && z2.type == s3 ? (, r3.setShadow({ boxShadow: T2 }), n3(), o2.restore(),, o2.fillText(t3, e3, i3), o2.restore()) : (r3.setShadow({ boxShadow: T2 }), o2.fillText(t3, e3, i3));
if (!n2.widths || 1 == n2.widths.length && n2.widths[0].total + m2 <= a2.width) {
var X2 = $2(t2), _2 = X2.fix, q2 = void 0 === _2 ? 0 : _2, G2 = X2.lineY;
return N2(t2, h2 + m2, c2 + q2), U2(h2 + m2, c2 + G2, n2 && n2.widths && n2.widths[0].total || n2.text), c2 += g2, o2.restore(), void this.setBorder(e2, i2);
for (var V2 = c2, J2 = h2, Q2 = "", Z2 = 0, K2 = o2.measureText("...").width, tt2 = n2.widths, et2 = 0; et2 < tt2.length; et2++) {
var it2 = tt2[et2].widths, nt2 = 0;
Q2 = "", c2 += 1 == (Z2 += 1) ? 0 : g2, 1 == Z2 && m2 && (nt2 = m2, J2 = h2 + m2);
for (var rt2 = 0; rt2 < it2.length; rt2++) {
1 !== Z2 && m2 && (J2 = h2);
var ot2 = it2[rt2], st2 = ot2.width, at2 = ot2.text, ht2 = (it2[rt2 + 1] || {}).width;
if (Q2 += at2, (nt2 += st2) + (void 0 === ht2 ? 0 : ht2) + (0 == Z2 ? m2 : 0) + (Z2 == P2 ? K2 : 0) > a2.width) {
Z2 >= P2 && (Q2 += "…"), Z2++, nt2 = 0;
var ct2 = $2(Q2);
q2 = ct2.fix, G2 = ct2.lineY;
N2(Q2, J2, c2 + q2), U2(J2, c2 + G2, nt2), c2 += g2, Q2 = "";
} else if (rt2 == it2.length - 1) {
et2 != tt2.length - 1 && Z2 == P2 && K2 + nt2 < a2.width && (Q2 += "…");
var ft2 = $2(Q2);
q2 = ft2.fix, G2 = ft2.lineY;
N2(Q2, J2, c2 + q2), U2(J2, c2 + G2, nt2);
if (c2 > V2 + l2 || Z2 > P2)
}, r2.prototype.source = function(t2) {
return e(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e2, n2, r3, o2, s2 = this;
return i(this, function(i2) {
switch (i2.label) {
case 0:
if (this.node = null, e2 = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), "{}" == JSON.stringify(t2))
return [2];
if (t2.styles = t2.styles || t2.css || {}, !t2.type)
for (n2 in t2.type = bt, t2)
["views", "children", "type", "css", "styles"].includes(n2) || (t2.styles[n2] = t2[n2], delete t2[n2]);
return t2.styles.boxSizing || (t2.styles.boxSizing = "border-box"), [4, this.create(t2)];
case 1:
return (r3 = i2.sent()) ? (o2 = r3.layout() || {}, this.size = o2, this.node = r3, this.onEffectFinished().then(function(t3) {
return s2.lifecycle("onEffectSuccess", t3);
}).catch(function(t3) {
return s2.lifecycle("onEffectFail", t3);
}), this.performance && console.log("布局用时:" + (+/* @__PURE__ */ new Date() - e2) + "ms"), [2, this.size]) : [2, console.warn("no node")];
}, r2.prototype.getImageInfo = function(t2) {
return this.imageBus[t2] || (this.imageBus[t2] = this.createImage(t2, this.useCORS)), this.imageBus[t2];
}, r2.prototype.create = function(n2, r3) {
return e(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
function e2(i2, n3, r4) {
void 0 === n3 && (n3 = {}), void 0 === r4 && (r4 = true);
var o3 = [];
return i2.forEach(function(i3) {
var s3 = i3.styles, a3 = void 0 === s3 ? {} : s3, h3 = i3.css, c3 = void 0 === h3 ? {} : h3, f3 = i3.children, l3 = void 0 === f3 ? [] : f3, d3 = i3.views, u3 = void 0 === d3 ? [] : d3, p3 = i3.text, g3 = void 0 === p3 ? "" : p3, v3 = i3.type, y3 = void 0 === v3 ? "" : v3;
!l3 && u3 && (i3.children = l3 = u3);
var x2 = {};
x2 = t(t(r4 ? t({}, n3) : {}, a3), c3);
var b3 = {}, w3 = {}, m3 = {};
Object.keys(x2).map(function(t2) {
if (t2.includes("padding") || t2.includes("margin")) {
var e3 = V(t2, x2[t2]);
Object.keys(e3).map(function(t3) {
t3.includes("Left") ? w3[t3] = e3[t3] : t3.includes("Right") ? m3[t3] = e3[t3] : b3[t3] = e3[t3];
if (x2.textIndent && (w3.textIndent = x2.textIndent, delete n3.textIndent), "" !== g3) {
var S3 = Array.from(g3);
S3.forEach(function(t2, e3) {
var i4 = Object.assign({}, x2, b3);
0 === e3 ? Object.assign(i4, w3) : e3 == S3.length - 1 && Object.assign(i4, m3), delete i4.padding, delete i4.margin, o3.push({ type: "text", text: t2, styles: i4 });
if (y3 == vt || y3 == xt)
else if ("block" === a3.display && l3.length > 0) {
var z3 = e2(l3, x2, false);
i3.children = z3, i3.flattened = true, o3.push(i3);
} else if (l3.length > 0) {
z3 = e2(l3, x2, r4);
o3 = o3.concat(z3);
}), o3;
var o2, s2, a2, h2, c2, f2, l2, d2, u2, p2, g2, v2, y2, b2, w2, m2, S2, z2, I2, M2, k, B2, W2, P2;
return i(this, function(i2) {
switch (i2.label) {
case 0:
if (!n2)
return [2];
if (n2.styles || (n2.styles = n2.css || {}), o2 = n2.type, s2 =, a2 = void 0 === s2 || s2, h2 = o2 == vt, c2 = [yt, xt].includes(o2), f2 = "textBox" == o2, l2 = n2.styles || {}, d2 = l2.backgroundImage, u2 = l2.display, h2 && !n2.src && !n2.url)
return [2];
if (u2 == x || !a2)
return [2];
if (c2 || f2) {
if (p2 = n2.children, g2 = n2.views, !p2 && g2 && (n2.children = p2 = g2), !n2.text && (!p2 || p2 && !p2.length))
return [2];
p2 && p2.length && !n2.flattened && (v2 = e2(n2.children || n2.views), n2.type = "view", n2.children = v2);
if (!(h2 || n2.type == bt && d2))
return [3, 4];
y2 = h2 ? n2.src : "", b2 = /url\(['"]?(.*?)['"]?\)/.exec(d2), d2 && b2 && b2[1] && (y2 = b2[1] || ""), i2.label = 1;
case 1:
return i2.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, this.getImageInfo(y2)];
case 2:
return w2 = i2.sent(), m2 = w2.width, S2 = w2.height, !(z2 = w2.path) && h2 ? [2] : (z2 && (n2.attributes = Object.assign(n2.attributes || {}, { width: m2, height: S2, path: z2, src: z2, naturalSrc: y2 })), [3, 4]);
case 3:
return I2 = i2.sent(), n2.type != bt ? [2] : (this.lifecycle("onEffectFail", t(t({}, I2), { src: y2 })), [3, 4]);
case 4:
if (this.count += 1, M2 = new pt(n2, r3, this.root, this.ctx), !(k = n2.children || n2.views))
return [3, 8];
B2 = 0, i2.label = 5;
case 5:
return B2 < k.length ? (W2 = k[B2], [4, this.create(W2, M2)]) : [3, 8];
case 6:
(P2 = i2.sent()) && M2.add(P2), i2.label = 7;
case 7:
return B2++, [3, 5];
case 8:
return [2, M2];
}, r2.prototype.drawNode = function(t2, n2) {
return void 0 === n2 && (n2 = false), e(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e2, r3, o2, s2, a2, h2, c2, f2, l2, d2, u2, p2, g2, v2, y2, x2, b2, w2, m2, S2, z2, I2, M2;
return i(this, function(i2) {
switch (i2.label) {
case 0:
return e2 = t2.layoutBox, r3 = t2.computedStyle, o2 = t2.attributes, s2 =, a2 = t2.children, h2 = t2.fixedLine, c2 = t2.attributes, f2 = c2.src, l2 = c2.text, d2 = r3.position, u2 = r3.backgroundImage, p2 = r3.backgroundRepeat, ["fixed"].includes(d2) && !n2 ? [2] : (, s2 !== bt ? [3, 7] : f2 && u2 ? p2 ? [4, this.drawPattern(o2, e2, r3)] : [3, 2] : [3, 5]);
case 1:
return i2.sent(), [3, 4];
case 2:
return [4, this.drawImage(o2, e2, r3, false)];
case 3:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 4;
case 4:
return [3, 6];
case 5:
this.drawView(e2, r3), i2.label = 6;
case 6:
return [3, 10];
case 7:
return s2 === vt && f2 ? [4, this.drawImage(o2, e2, r3, false)] : [3, 9];
case 8:
return i2.sent(), [3, 10];
case 9:
s2 === yt ? this.drawText(l2, e2, r3, o2) : s2 === xt && gt.api && gt.api.draw(l2, this, e2, r3), i2.label = 10;
case 10:
if (this.progress += 1, v2 = (g2 = h2 || {}).beforeElements, y2 = g2.afterElements, !v2)
return [3, 14];
x2 = 0, b2 = v2, i2.label = 11;
case 11:
return x2 < b2.length ? (M2 = b2[x2], [4, this.drawNode(M2)]) : [3, 14];
case 12:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 13;
case 13:
return x2++, [3, 11];
case 14:
if (!a2)
return [3, 18];
w2 = Object.values ? Object.values(a2) : Object.keys(a2).map(function(t3) {
return a2[t3];
}), m2 = 0, S2 = w2, i2.label = 15;
case 15:
return m2 < S2.length ? "absolute" === (M2 = S2[m2]).computedStyle.position ? [3, 17] : [4, this.drawNode(M2)] : [3, 18];
case 16:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 17;
case 17:
return m2++, [3, 15];
case 18:
if (!y2)
return [3, 22];
z2 = 0, I2 = y2, i2.label = 19;
case 19:
return z2 < I2.length ? (M2 = I2[z2], [4, this.drawNode(M2)]) : [3, 22];
case 20:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 21;
case 21:
return z2++, [3, 19];
case 22:
return this.ctx.restore(), [2];
}, r2.prototype.render = function(t2) {
var n2 = this;
return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 30), new Promise(function(r3, o2) {
return e(n2, void 0, void 0, function() {
var e2, n3, s2, a2, h2, c2, f2, l2, d2, u2;
return i(this, function(i2) {
switch (i2.label) {
case 0:
return e2 = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), this.init(), [4, (p2 = t2, void 0 === p2 && (p2 = 0), new Promise(function(t3) {
return setTimeout(t3, p2);
case 1:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 2;
case 2:
if (i2.trys.push([2, 14, , 15]), !this.node)
return [3, 12];
if (n3 = this.root.fixedLine || {}, s2 = n3.beforeElements, a2 = n3.afterElements, !s2)
return [3, 6];
h2 = 0, c2 = s2, i2.label = 3;
case 3:
return h2 < c2.length ? (d2 = c2[h2], [4, this.drawNode(d2, true)]) : [3, 6];
case 4:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 5;
case 5:
return h2++, [3, 3];
case 6:
return [4, this.drawNode(this.node)];
case 7:
if (i2.sent(), !a2)
return [3, 11];
f2 = 0, l2 = a2, i2.label = 8;
case 8:
return f2 < l2.length ? (d2 = l2[f2], [4, this.drawNode(d2, true)]) : [3, 11];
case 9:
i2.sent(), i2.label = 10;
case 10:
return f2++, [3, 8];
case 11:
return r3(this.node), [3, 13];
case 12:
this.lifecycle("onEffectFail", "node is empty"), i2.label = 13;
case 13:
return [3, 15];
case 14:
return u2 = i2.sent(), this.lifecycle("onEffectFail", u2), o2(u2), [3, 15];
case 15:
return this.performance && console.log("渲染用时:" + (+/* @__PURE__ */ new Date() - e2 - 30) + "ms"), [2];
var p2;
}, r2.prototype.onEffectFinished = function() {
var t2 = this, e2 = Object.keys(this.imageBus).map(function(e3) {
return t2.imageBus[e3];
return Promise.all(e2);
}, r2.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.node = [];
}, = function(t2) {
try {
var e2 = t2 || {}, i2 = e2.fileType, n2 = void 0 === i2 ? "png" : i2, r3 = e2.quality, o2 = void 0 === r3 ? 1 : r3;
return this.canvas.toDataURL("image/".concat(n2), o2);
} catch (t3) {
return this.lifecycle("onEffectFail", "image cross domain"), t3;
}, r2;
n.WEB == I && (window.Painter = kt);
exports.kt = kt;