
166 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-12-02 12:49:54 +08:00
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import requests
from flask import Flask, render_template, abort, jsonify, request, send_from_directory
# 设置 Flask 应用
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="", static_folder="static")
app.template_folder = "templates"
# Strapi API 基础 URL 和 API 令牌
STRAPI_BASE_URL = "" # 请替换为您的 Strapi API 地址
STRAPI_API_TOKEN = "156ac348bb6f633eb2b6ebf58757dceae9b949a2a03fae6ad7ea9a5f49b61cc355bb3447533c0488044cb46f2612a22d15781c0eca1028756637d108cd42d039960ad12bf811642c8491d2c198708fe0ea014d793974b64e1d62c76356950f5546dc24653776f144b5a0c47682bd76a7dfd97cfc7e255ad1d6b10b13f7ffc154" # 请替换为您的实际 API 令牌
# 通用数据请求方法
def fetch_data(endpoint, params=None):
Strapi 获取数据使用通用函数来简化请求
添加异常处理捕获 JSONDecodeError 并返回 None
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {STRAPI_API_TOKEN}"}
# 发起 GET 请求
response = requests.get(
f"{STRAPI_BASE_URL}/api/{endpoint}", headers=headers, params=params
# 检查响应是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:
# 尝试解析 JSON 数据
return response.json()
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# 如果解析失败,打印错误并返回 None
print(f"Error decoding JSON from {endpoint}: {response.text}")
return None
# 如果请求失败,打印错误状态码
print(f"Error fetching {endpoint}: {response.status_code}")
return None
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# 捕获请求异常,如连接问题等
print(f"Request error: {e}")
return None
# 动态页面路由
def render_page(page_name):
html_template = page_name
htm_template = page_name
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.template_folder, html_template)):
return render_template(html_template)
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.template_folder, htm_template)):
return render_template(htm_template)
# 动态页面路由
# @app.route('/m/<path:path>')
# def render_page_m(path):
# page_path = path
# html_template = f"{page_path}"
# htm_template = f"{page_path}"
# # 检查是否在 templates 目录中存在对应的 HTML 模板文件
# if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.template_folder, html_template)):
# return render_template(html_template)
# elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.template_folder, htm_template)):
# return render_template(htm_template)
# # 直接转发到 static 目录中的静态资源文件
# return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, page_path)
# 首页路由 - 获取轮播图和新闻内容以渲染首页
def info():
type = request.args.get("type")
# 通过 fetch_data 获取前 3 条 hxkjnewss 数据,使用 populate 参数来加载关联数据
params = {
"pagination[page]": 1,
"pagination[pageSize]": 100,
"populate": "*",
# 如果获取到的存在就这么做
if type:
params["filters[type][$eq]"] = type
examples = fetch_data("examples", params=params)
if not examples:
examples = []
examples = examples["data"]
# 为每个 data 对象拼接图片属性
for item in examples:
# 拼接主要图片的 URL假设 `img` 是包含图片的字段
item["image_url"] = (
STRAPI_BASE_URL + item["img"][0]["url"]
if item.get("img") and item["img"][0].get("url")
else None
# 将提取的数据传递给模板
return render_template("info.php-9.html", examples=examples)
# 详情页路由
def info_detail():
id = request.args.get("id")
# 获取特定 ID 的详细信息
detail = fetch_data(f"examples/{id}", params={"populate": "*"})
if not detail:
detail = {}
detail = detail["data"]
detail["image_url"] = (
STRAPI_BASE_URL + detail["img"][0]["url"]
if detail.get("img") and detail["img"][0].get("url")
else None
return render_template("info_detail.html", detail=detail)
# 首页路由 - 获取轮播图和新闻内容以渲染首页
def home():
# 通过 fetch_data 获取前 3 条 hxkjnewss 数据,使用 populate 参数来加载关联数据
data = fetch_data(
params={"pagination[page]": 1, "pagination[pageSize]": 3, "populate": "*"},
# 提取新闻条目的重要字段
news_items = []
if data and "data" in data:
for item in data["data"]:
created_at = item["createdAt"]
created_at_formatted = datetime.strptime(
created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
news_item = {
"id": item["id"],
"title": item["title"],
"content": item["content"],
"detail": item["detail"],
"createdAt": created_at_formatted,
# 拼接完整的图片 URL
"image_url": (
STRAPI_BASE_URL + item["image"]["url"]
if item.get("image")
else None
# 将提取的数据传递给模板
return render_template("index.html", news_items=news_items)
if __name__ == "__main__":